A word from the Wilderness
I suppose you are all wondering if I arrived.
I am sorry to report that despite all your prayers, I did.
I was going to write and say that itâs hot here, but that would be a lie. Itâs not hot. Itâs fucking hot. But because there is very low humidity it is extremely comfortable.
As promised, I do have a lake all to myself [well, I share it with a load of carp or sharks or something]. They keep sploshing around but only when Iâm not looking. Apart from that itâs just Herself, myself and the wind gently rustling the weeping willows. And the sun, of course.
This place does in fact have an Interwebby connection. Itâs what I would call a Nostalgic Connection, because it reminds me of the good old dial up days. My browser announced that it wanted to update itself. Itâs a small update – a mere 18Mb, but the fucking thing is still tying up the connection after half an hour. Whatâs worse, Iâm trying to send an important email and that ainât fucking working at all at all. I also have doubts that this scribble will do as itâs supposed to do and appear on the site.
One thing I can promise â if I write here, itâs going to be infrequent at best, and I sure as hell am not going to try sending up any photographs.
And do I care?
Not a jot.
sounds like heaven except the dial up bit, enjoy!
You’re bored shitless already, n’est ce pas?
Cat – You have no idea how sloooooooow it is. Bugger!
TT – One can only drink so much wine and bask in so much sun?
If you’re tired of the bread, cheese, wine diet – you could move on to cider. Depending on where you are they do some mean other stuff. Or am I getting mixed up with calvados. Either way, it’ll knock you out for the afternoon.
Enjoy yourself and don’t worry about this place. We’ll all sit here and wait for ya’. We’ll all keep leaving comments until you return….from holiday
enjoy your solitude, remember you don’t have to be everything to everyone, there is no “we” in “me”.
Odd you should say you couldn’t access your email account. I had the same problem last year in France. Never sussed out why. Eventually I opened a Yahoo mail account (at yahoo.fr) and emailed everyone I fancied communicating with my temporary email address. Only problem is now whenever I visit Yahoo everything is in French, which stumps me a bit.
Sean – All my connections are working now and I can access virtually anything. The only problem is the speed. Takes a fucking age to load anything! You’re right too about the French. Every site I go into seems to be in French..