Happy Birthday, Boston Tea Party
A guest post by Willie.
Time has come to celebrate the annual Boston Tea Party! It has been going on since 1777 when the upstanding citizens of Boston decided to fling perfectly good tea in the Boston Harbor. This mild reaction to the Tea Tax seemed to piss off the Good King George and his buddies at the East India Tea Company. Afterward all, who were these piss ants, anyway? Can't an honest, humble monopoly make a few hard earned bucks on on a bunch of nincompoops? After all, taxes to help the rich out with their lifestyles doesn't seem to be too asking much? Those lowly colonial types just had no sense of humor.
In the short years since the first birthday party, there seems to be a fairly rocky relationship between the various Kings and Queens of England and the trappers, hunters, merchants, and farmers of the Colonies. To call it a love/hate relationship would be mild indeed. The two sides have both fought wars against each other and fought wars on the same side. Currently, there seems to be a Mexican stand-off, so to speak.
Taking a quantum leap to 2009, the New Tea Party was born in reaction to being TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! It seems that these good citizens also have a gripe with the way they were being taxed, or so they claimed. Their hard-earned tax dollars were going to bail out banks, car companies, insurance giants, and whoever else could whine enough. They have a decent point except they failed to see that the mess which caused the hemorrhaging of bucks faster than one could say "BAILOUT" was caused and created by the reckless and unchecked spending of the 8 year reign of King George W. Bush and his War of Terror. The more recent Tea Party found a real voting crowd and manage to throw a flock of folks into the water. History does repeat itself, sometimes.
Here is the biggest news yet. Just three days ago, a new political party was hatched. It's the "NoLables" Party. This group lays claim to the middle ground and wants no designation that it is Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Whatever. It says it is sick and tired of the extreme political stances, claims, counterclaims, charges and bull shit that is flying back and forth. It even launched a website which is very much needed in today's rough and tumble world of 21st Century politics.
They do make some decent points. But how can I call myself a "NoLabel' when a chap asks me what am I politically? What the hell does it mean, "NoLabel"? It is somewhat like asking, "You know the sound of two hands clapping. What is the sound of one hand clapping?" I was going to the County Clerk's office today to register as a "NoLabels" type, but I have a better idea.
I am, here and now, announcing my own political party. (drum roll) It is SEA-Screwed Enough Already! I expect millions to join me right after GD approves and publishes this announcement in his blog. Feel free to ask about my platform via comments. Some will whisper the dreaded word, "anarchy".
BAIL'EM OUT!!! ???? Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it.. They failed and it closed.. Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey?!"
I read through the above thinking to myself, gadzooks! GD has actually put some thought and effort into this today. Then I saw your name at the bottom and all became clear. Well done Willie.
Does this make it a Grandad’s Willy posting…
ok just a thought …
have you had enough of a break to make a commitment to Murphy’s yet?
TT – Sorry for the confusion. The site played silly-buggers with me today and kept deleting what I had written. In my many attempts to post, I omitted my introduction.
Cardi – A commitment to Murphy’s? What the fuck are you on about? I never make a commitment without a positive DNA test.
GD-Thanks for the credit. I hope the short break gave enough time to shovel out the path. Have a pint at the village pub on Cardi.
TT-Thanks for the encouraging words. I figured a Yank may have some glimmer of what the hell I was mumbling about.
Cardi-Be careful of what you ask for.
Where the hell are the millions of readers I anticipated?
I’d like to order a large plate of anarchy, sprinkled lightly with revolution, with a side order of black market, and a little blood-on-the-streets sauce ……. all to go wrapped in no label paper.