Head Rambles Airport
I’m getting a tad pissed off with this weather.
I had to go out today. I spent longer in the front driveway than I did on the road.
First of all, I had to scrape the ice off the windscreen. That is a tedious job, because no matter how fast I scrape it, the fucking thing freezes over again. And then I have to tackle the fucking ice on the inside.
Having got the windscreen reasonably clear of ice, I then have to sit for ages in the car with the engine running and the heater going full blast. As soon as the remainder of the ice on the windscreen begins to thaw, I turn on the windscreen wipers, which smear the melt water into a thin film of water which promptly freezes again. Fuck!
Then there are the side windows. I can’t open them because they are electric, and the motor can’t cope with the thick layer of ice that has frozen around the side windows and gummed up the works.
Eventually, I get the glass in the various windows clear enough to peer through and the next phase starts.
The next phase is the attempt to get the gates open. This requires a lot of pushing and shoving and a great deal of scraping as the snow has frozen solid on the ground and the gates won’t pass over it.
Eventually I get the gates open and it’s time for phase three – getting the fucking car out of the fucking gate.
Getting a car out of a gate shouldn’t be too much of a problem? Think again! You see, there is a bit of a slope from the driveway up onto the lane. It isn’t much of a slope but it’s enough. I try to nose the car out the gate and it gets as far as the slope and stops. By this stage I am in a multi-temperature state – my blood is boiling but my fingers are frozen. There is only one way to get out of the gate, and that is to take a run at the slope. This is very effective, but some day soon, I am going to come flying out that gate, just as somene else is driving up the lane. That should be interesting?
It has reached the stage where driving anywhere is like flying to London – it takes a hell of a lot longer to get the vehicle going than it takes to make the actual journey.
I sometimes wonder if it’s worth it.
Go out 10 minutes early. Start your engine. Go back in. Have a cup of tea with a wee dramm in it. You can buy a remote to start the car from inside your shack house. Then go out and set off having left the gate open the night before. It’s not rocket science.
Your car would get further than the fecking plane would – I spent the afternoon at Dublin Airport waiting to be told that the flight to Cardiff was cancelled.
Seems Cardiff Airport’s been cancelled!
Flights are operating with some delays and cancellations to both arriving and departing flights. Please check with your airline for further information. Passengers should allow extra time for travelling to the airport.
At least nobody is standing there giving you grief over the stuff you are taking with you in the car and then feeling you up or forcing you to make free pr()n for them
TT – A couple of snags with your suggestion…..  I can’t leave the gate open overnight as Sandy might go on the rampage [again], and I wouldn’t leave a car unattended with the engine running. I don’t trust my neighbours that much.
Ian – There ya go now. If you had called here instead of the airport, you would have got a grand brew, and still not get to Cardiff.
Cardi – Thank you for converting my site into a flight information panel for Cardiff. You’re welcome, but I think I deserve a couple of free flights in return?
Dankoozy – I have been looking for one of those body scanners for months, and they haven’t appeared on eBay yet. I want to erect one at the front gate.
Why didn’t you get the missus to defrost the car while you were having your cuppa and then to open the gate for you. simples.
Snowtires and a couple of concave mirrors on either side of the gate and you can take a run at it anytime you see the road is clear.
Heh! Good thinking, Dessiegee!
Paulo1 – The neighbours would probably nick the mirrors too.
Sincere apologies g’dad – I must have got lost in the frozen mists .. Cardi