In the pink
From the moment Al Gore started to waffle about Global Warming, I was an unbeliever. It was patently obvious to anyone with a modicum of sense that it was the greatest load of bollix. Junk science piled on top of junk science.
Unfortunately, the Earth’s population as a whole doesn’t seem to be blessed with a modicum of sense, and they lapped it up.  Eventually, the Global Warmists decided that their junk was no good, so they modified their campaign to Climate Change, thereby avoiding the embarrassing fact that the Earth seems to be cooling.
I am a firm believer in Climate Change. Why? Because it’s fucking obvious that the Earth’s climate has been changing since the year dot. In fact, if it ever stopped changing I would start to get worried.
There is no doubt that Ireland is experiencing a wee drop of Climate Change of its own. It has been snowing here since Friday [or was it Thursday?] and the worst is yet to come. They are forecasting ten inches of snow over the next couple of days, which means that Up Here in the mountains, it’s going to be a lot more.
I like snow. I especially like snow when I don’t have to go out in it. The old Manor always looks good under a good blanket of the white stuff, as all the weeds, long grass and other bits of junk lying around are all nicely hidden from view. Possibly the only down side is that Herself refuses to live in the garden shed, so in the spirit of whatever, I have allowed her indoors.
The big point is though, that I don’t ever remember a proper fall of snow in November. The second half of December, maybe, but not November. Add to that the fact that a ten inch snowfall is rare even in January and also that we are breaking all records for the coldest November temperatures, I think we can safely say that has been a wee drop of Climate Change going on in just this neighbourhood.
It’s just after four, as I scribble this and the garden is looking splendiferous under a thick blanket of pink snow. I say pink, because we have had some weirdly coloured skies lately.
It certainly makes for some interesting opportunities with the camera.
Yup. Sconnie Botland is covered in the auld global warming as well. About 18 inches of it. I believed the “facts” those bastards gave out and I planted grapes. All my vines is dead.
Meanwhile, I found a picture of your new owners. It is not for the faint of heart:
No insult intended. Just my deep, deep condolences.
There is nothing like a good, healthy snow to make me more cranky and unbearable. Miss Pat is a saint. Someone, make this shit go away. I would move to Mexico, but the hooligans would shoot my ass off. Fuck it! I’ll drink.
So it’s your “modicum of common sense”  that tells you that the climatologists are wrong and that all the science that has led them to believe that climate change is real, catastrophically deadly and man made is “junk.”  Don’t know why they bother going to school and spend a lifetime studying it. The idiots should just ask you.
Ranty – I saw your map. Nice one!! Why in the name of God should I be insulted?
Willie – From what I hear, if you move to Mexico, doesn’t that mean it’s then compulsory for you to become an illegal domestic in California?
TT – If it were based on real science and not half baked “statistics” gathered from the rings of a tree somewhere [mixed with temperatures recorded in the heart of major cities] I would agree with you, but it isn’t so I don’t.
You are spot on GD – I remember a couple of years ago seeing an interview with Patrick Moore (the “Sky at Night” chap) full title – Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore, CBE, HonFRS, FRAS – and during the interview he said all this rubbish about climate change etc. is exactly that. Rubbish. Of course the world is changing. If it wasnât there would have been no ice age or, a change in climate as the world evolves.
Nice pic by the way.
Sorry GD, but a good nice snowfall can not possibly be an argument against global warming.
Anyway, I envy you Wicklow in snow. Here in Cork we just have a bit of it, not enough to properly paralyze traffic yet.
Climate change will exist as long as academics can obtain funding from taxpayers. It’s hilarious how it went from global warming to climate change.
All I know is that right now I have stalagtites forming on my ball sac, that’s enough evidence for me to prove the earth isn’t warming.
GD..It’s so bad in California, land of the fruits and nuts, that even the previous rich are either doing their own windows or just leaving them grimy. Besides, the rush seems to be across the border, going south. One can hope that the aim of the banditos is not too accurate. So, my finding employment as a maid is rather unlikely. I think I’ll stay where I am and drink. (Why are all the so-called Irish beers that I can buy here are brewed?) (The only decent beers here are brewed in Mexico-Go figure.)
Little Boots, don’t you mean stalactites ? Clearly your grasp of science exceeds that of the scientists.
tt, my brain is too frozen to distinguish the difference between stalactites and stalagmites. The only solution is to burn more fossil fuels. It’s either that or witness my head breaking off from the rest of my body into the Atlantic where it will sink a cruise ship.
I’ve a nice little Catalan woman just the right side of plump. Vast er… tracts of land. See you in the Spring!
I adore the Catalonian women.
It seems that this recent bout of climate change is causing all sorts of bipolar conditions here in the US. The North of the US is experiencing warming over the years and yet the South of the US is going to the colder than the last 30 years have seen. Â Oh… Â we were talking about “change” weren’t we.