The Field is my field
I see they are banging on about property tax again.
Eighty yoyos a month? A fucking month? That’s a thousand a year! They can go and kiss my sweet hairy arse.
Will someone give me one – just one – good reason why I should pay it? Everything that shower of wankers in the Gubmint have done to date has made things worse. They are patently being played for fools by that shower over in Brussels. So long as the Euro is stable, and the Germans can get their money back from the Irish banks, then the plain people in Ireland can go to hell. We are being played for fools, and ignorant bollix that he is, Biffo is lapping up every drop of shite they feed him.
I own my property. I have slaved for the best part of forty years to earn it. I don’t owe a red cent on a single blade of grass, and I intend to remain that way. I am certainly not going to fork out a thousand a year to finance some German gambler. I swear to God that any fucking gubmint inspector who tries to cross my threshold is going to receive the business end of a bill-hook. After all, the law states that I can use any force I feel reasonable if I feel threatened on my own land, and gubmint inspectors are a threat in my book.
Talking of books, I would suggest to our illustrious gubmint that they go read John B Keane’s book “The Field”.
And if they still don’t get the hint, they had better be prepared for all out war.
Up and at ’em Grandad. That’s the kind of fightin’ talk we were once proud of.
The landlords are long gone – but not forgotten!!!!
Hi Grandad,
Here in the UK we have council tax, which sounds a bit like the way they are proposing to extort money from your good self. Not sure whether this “property tax” is to pay for local “gubmint” services or is in addition. Either way it looks as if TPTB are heading in the same direction.
I have read the “The Field” and saw the film. Loved it. Have also supped in the pub in Lenane and soaked up the atosphere/Guinness. Loved that too.
Well said Grandad,I for one will stand four square behind you on this one,I’ve had enough from these thieving traitorous fucks,and I don’t say the traitor bit lightly. As far I m concerned they can fuck right off. I heard a Germanic ersi professor earlier on the radio effectively saying that people had no legal or moral right to live where they want do if they cant pay a property tax, I think this shit is really going to kick off if they persist on this crazy path to ruination.
There’s a “Field” movie poster up of Richard Harris on a wall in my local Irish pub.
I just tried to post a rant here but apparently I’m part of a spam network.
Anyway I fucking hate property tax. and people will accept it here because “every other country has it” which isn’t even true, but still having it here will make them feel more modern and with the times. Typical government playing on Ireland’s collective inferiority complex
The government can point to other countries that have it. I still don’t see a justification for extorting money out of people for their own property. I wonder what one they’ll use besides “we’re in the shit lads and no don’t ask who put us there!”