The queen of blogs
I honestly don’t know when I started this site.
Looking back on the dates that I write shit doesn’t help, because I know I wrote a couple of meanderings and predated them so they wouldn’t look as if they had been written on the same day. I can be devious like that.
I dan’t look at the dates on the files either, as the site has shifted several times from server to server. You see, I had to keep one step ahead of the CIA when I was slamming Dubya.
I can’t look at the date that was registered as I originally galled it Grumpy Site or some such fucking stupid name, and Head Rambles didn’t materialise for a few days.
I know it was October 2006. I have a feeling it was the begining of the month.
With all the confusion surrounding the start date, somehow the 22nd of October became the "official" start date, so that has become the "official" birthday.
After all, if the queen can have an official birthday as well as a personal one, then why can’t this site?
So this is it.
Another year wasted. Four fucking years! Who would have thought it would last this long? I certainly didn’t imaging it would last more than a week or two, but there you go.
Maybe it is a failed experiment that will soon prove me right? It just took a little longer than two weeks to fail?
Time will tell.
Check with your phamacist for the date of your first prescription for headache pills. At least it will tell you when I started commenting.
TT – Heh! You first insulted me on the 20th of November, 2007. How come it took you over a year to start?
That’s good thinking though – I checked the date of the first comment. It was on the 22nd of October, so that must be the reason I chose the 22nd.
I’ve been commenting here almost that long?? It’s true what the say, the years do fly by as you get older..
Robert – 16th January 2007. Time flies when you’re having fun?
It certainly does!
Happy B’Day Head Rambles! By the way experiments don’t fail, they just sometimes give unexpected results! Keep on ramblin’ i say! 😉
Four years! Damn who would have thought? Well happy anniversary anyways. I hope you’re still ranting four years from now.
Well done Grandad .. many congrats ..
The craic’s always good here .. now, is there any truth in the rumour that the Blogger-in-Chief is gonna buy all his loyal followers a pint of the “Black Liquidation” ??????????? ;0
Consider it done, Haddock. All you have to do is head into your local and ask for a pint. Just say Grandad sent you.
Think of all the interesting people we met at the BLOGÂ Awards.
On second thoughts cancel that thought !!!!
So many blogs, so little time.
D’you mean there are others out there? 😮
ya caught me being unfaithful.
Congratulations on passing the four-year barrier.
I’ve not even passed the one-month barrier yet. Four years seems a world away to me!
The queen of blogs indeed! Iâm glad you kept writing, I love your posts about smoking pipes–it almost makes me want to take up smoking.
Happy blogday GD from sunny SA.
Happy Blogday Grandad! Â I’m a newbie about a month or so out and fortunate that I stumbed upon your entertaining writings. Â I am a proud American but but love it when you give us some well deserved shite.
So you keep up your complaining and here’s to hoping for another fucking 25 years!!!
A whole 4 years old, eh? And you still haven’t figured out why you started? Heh, join the club. My site will reach 5 years Come February 2nd of next year and I still can’t understand why I started it or decide where it’s headed.
Anyway, glad you’ve been around for the last 4 years. The world would have destroyed itself otherwise, I’m sure. Well, maybe not destroy itself but it would have probably beat itself up fairly severely. Good thing you’re around then.
[On behalf of my site] Thanks everyone.
There is only one question to be answered now –
Will it last another four years?
Will I last another four years?
Happy official birthday, Granddad.Â