Letter to Google
Dear Google,
I am delighted for you that you have decided to expand your operations here in good old Ireland
Before I go any further, I would like to bore you with some holiday photographs.
Well, actually, they arenât photographs; rather a series of Google Earth images of where I have stayed on holiday for the last three years. In each case, the house I stayed in is bang in the centre of the image. Each one is taken from around the same height just so you can compare them.
France 2008
France 2009
Ireland 2010
They are lovely, arenât they?
Itâs a pity about the last one, but that is because it is an Irish snapshot.
So stop fucking faffing about with your fucking Google Local and your fucking Google Maps, and do something about giving us some decent coverage of this country that you seem to like so much.
Yours affectionately,
Brilliantly put! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Well not without a few “fucking”s at least… No… still… couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂
Thank you, NiallOK. I wonder if anyone in Google reads this? Heh!
They will if they google, err, google. 😉
Dick – Are they so vain as to go ego-surfing? Yes. I suppose they are….
That looks just like my house!
I think they only have hi-res images of politically important places, so you’ve obviously been holidaying in houses run by resistance fighters left over from the war
Kae – If was your house we stayed in, then I’m sorry about the blood stains and the dog hairs. Just send on the bill? I have been searching around and even the remotest islands in the oceans have better coverage than Ireland. I would hazard a guess that even the Sahara Desert has better overall coverage.
I felt tempted to check, and the sahara /is/ in higher definition
Here’s an example of the Sahara – http://maps.google.ie/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sahara&sll=54.194516,-6.874748&sspn=0.734318,2.705383&ie=UTF8&hq=sahara&hnear=&ll=33.604156,-0.281589&spn=0.004084,0.010568&t=h&z=17
you can practically count the humps on the camels!
Oh god I misread that as “you can practically hump the camels”… someone do something to remove the DIRTY from my mind… :/
Kae – We must have one of the worst coverage rates around. It’s not even as if Google don’t know we exist?
NiallOK – Don’t worry about the dirty mind. It adds spice to life. So does humping camels [so I’m told].
That last photo was from the effects of John Jameson.
Popeye – You think that Google Earth are pissed all the time? Could be……
I wonder where the black hole begins. I checked out the place where I was staying in London and you could practically count the slates in the roof, even Dublin looks pretty decent, but somewhere out west things start going downhill
if you look at the occupied counties on Google earth, they have Street View on every wee country lane, with clear high res pictures.
The Street View images stops right at our banana republic
I noticed that, John. It makes it look like we didn’t pay the bill, or something. 😉
I have to defend Google here, that image is exactly what Ireland looks like to me when I stagger out of my local at 3 am.
Welcome Caligula. So what you are suggesting is that Google staff are permanently pissed in Ireland? Now that makes a lot of sense.
That’s exactly what I’m suggesting Grandad. (I haven’t heard any other plausible explanations and until I do I’m sticking to my theory)