Trimming the fat in the Nanny State
The Irish Heart Foundation has criticised the the Irish government for a lack of significant progress in tackling and treating obesity.
What fucking business is it of theirs?
Once again, a branch of the Nanny State is rearing its ugly head. The IHF, in their infinite wisdom has decided that there is another aspect of our lives that need to be controlled and regulated.
There are a lot of lard arses around, there is no denying that. But if people are overweight, then that’s their problem. Except in exceptionally rare cases, obesity is due entirely to a crap diet and insufficient exercise. It is, what the Americans like to call a ‘lifestyle choice’. If people want to lose weight, then that is up to them, not the IHF or any other fucking busybody.
The parallels between this and the anti-smoking are obvious. The vast majority couldn’t give a flying fuck whether people smoke or are overweight, but some do-gooder comes along with their self-righteous opinion, and all will suffer. “It’s for your own good” they cry. “Look how much it’s costing the state” they wail. Like the anti-smoking campaign, the IHF are plucking figures out of the air to try to shock people into compliance. Obesity kills 2000 people a year? So what? People are going to die anyway, and when they tuck into their McDonalds McCalorie Burger or their greasy pizza, people should know the risks. But that is up to them. It costs the state €4bn a year? How the fuck do they work that out? Healthy people cost the state considerably more. Should we cull them?
Of course those of us who are of ‘normal’ weight [whatever that is] are going to suffer if the IHF get their way. Already Heinz have capitulated. I like Heinz tomato ketchup. It is my choice because of the flavour. If they start fucking around with the recipe then I am affected, whether I like it or not. Soon it will be a case of massive taxes on sugar and salt, and fast food establishments having to move to the back streets [which, I confess would improve the look of most towns].
The Nannies had their way with the smokers and they are turning their guns on the overweight now. Yet another section of society is to be marginalised, vilified and ostracised.
Mark my words – whatever little guilty pleasures you have, they will get around to you too, eventually. Then you won’t feel so fucking superior.
And how dare the IHF criticise the state!
That’s my job.
Luckily I practice my little vices in the privacy of my own bathroom…they won ‘t catch me there methinks!
Seriously though do you think the nanny state closing the Head Shops was a good move. To my mind they had a perfect excuse for regulation and, instead, handed it back to the back street criminals and if the IHF has its way there will be burger pushers on every street corner..
What do you think??
King’s Bard – I wouldn’t bank on that. Soon they will be installing CCTV in every private room in the land [including bathrooms] to make sure we don’t sneak a crafty puff, or use more water than our allocation. The day is coming.
As for the Head Shops… That’s a tricky one. I consider myself a libertarian, and therefore I have to use the line that people should be free to buy whatever mind-benders they want. I would agree with some kind of regulation regarding age, and produce sold I suppose. The most telling aspect of the Head Shops fiasco though is the firebombings. If organised crime was so worried by them, then they must have been badly affecting the illegal drugs trade. As you say, all this will do is revitalise the illegal trade, and give them an extra line of business to supply.
Giggle. Wednesday is National Fish and Chips day.
You can’t have it both ways, people!!!!