Looking for a holiday
I booked a holiday last month.
Holidays are very important for me as I badly need a break from the stress of doing nothing around the house. I need to get away to do nothing somewhere else. A holiday refills my fuel cells, bucks me up and most important of all, gives me the energy to do nothing at home for the rest of the year.
The people I booked the holiday with are a nice crowd. They are friendly, courteous and efficient. Once the booking was made, they sent me all the details â when the holiday is, where to collect the key, emergency phone numbers and all the boring stuff like that. I remember reading it, and thinking how comprehensive the document was.
Last week, I was having a wee meditative session, and my mind wandered onto the subject of holidays again. I suddenly realised that I had forgotten all the minor details about the holiday, such as when it is. Fuck! For all I know, I could be going next week. I had a feeling it was in May sometime, but there again, it could be in April or June.
I decided this morning I had better check, so I entered my office.
Entering my office is not for the fainthearted, as it is where I keep Things.
I have found that my life is governed by several laws. There is Brennanâs Law which states that âperforated paper is always strongest at the perforationsâ. Our roll of jax paper is testament to the accuracy of that one. There is the rule that âthe odds on a slice of bread falling butter side down are directly proportional to the cost of the carpetâ. I can testify to that.
One immutable law that seems to be carved in granite somewhere, and haunts my life is the one that states that ânothing is ever needed until the day after it is destroyed, at which time it will become essentialâ. I have fallen foul of this law so many times that it is engraved on my heart. Therefore I keep everything. Hence the dread of entering the office.
I spent the morning wading knee deep in receipts for packs of tobacco, electricity bills going back to the 80s and manuals for devices that have long since gone to device heaven. Do you think I could find that fucking letter about the holiday? Not a fucking chance.
I looked everywhere. I checked the pile of newspapers dating back to the 60s. I rummaged through boxes of three and half inch floppies. I even checked through my old college notes. Not a sign.
Eventually I had an idea. Maybe if I could find an email from them, it would give me an idea as to roughly when I booked the holiday, and that in turn would give an inkling as to when the letter was sent.
I rummaged through my Inbox in my mail thingy. Again, 376,427 emails is quite a lot to go through, but I found one from them. It told me they were sending me the details. I noticed a paperclip thingy at the bottom and clicked it.
It was the letter.
The bastards sent it to me in electronic form.
Why canât people be consistent? This is making life doubly difficulty for me, as now if I want to find something I have to rummage in the Office and rummage through my Inbox.
You young people have no idea how complicated you are making life. It used to be simple and now itâs just a mess.
I need a holiday.
But apparently I have to wait âtil June.
I hope you are donning the green jersey and hiring a caravan in Wexford this year, Groandad?
Why the fuck would I wear a green jersey in Wexford?
Grandad: .. Slightly O/T .. but may I return, briefly to Monday’s thread ?
Given the problems which Sunday’s Vindaloo brought on, I thought you might find this of interest .. Lol
That is brilliant!
“Here comes the enemy! Let’s heave an extra hot Vindaloo at ‘im“
Typical.. . the electrician doesn’t repair his lights . . .the plumber has leaking taps . . the Webmaster hoards his emails! Time for a spring clean!
I have to keep those mails, because if I deleted them tonight I would have a dire need to retrieve one tomorrow. Anyway, I’m not a webmaster – I’m a pensioner.
“Webmaster” .. that always makes me chuckle .. it makes the holder of such high office sound like some kind of “Super” Spider .. Lol
âHere comes the enemy! Letâs heave an extra hot Vindaloo at âimâ
Yeah & just to make sure they keep their turbans down .. launch an all-out barrage of Kulcha Naans too … and don’t forget .. no throwing your Onion Bhajees till you can see the whites of their eyes … PMSL
I always hated that “webmaster” thing. Too nerdy.
As for the other, do they give the enmy an option of boiled or fried rice?
I think if they wanna go soft on the enemy .. they use Pilau rice .. Heh heh ..
Apparently ’tis your public and patriotic duty to sit in a caravan in Wexford for holliers this year Groandad.
They say the rain gets warmer in June.
None of that horsing around in France spending euros you could be donating to the state to help it out of its state of chassis or to the Archbish for a new Poggenpohl kitchen or sump’n.
Sitting in sunshine.Wine. More wine. ‘Tis a delayed nineteen sixties you are having, not a hollier. Naked debauchery in the abroad.
Talking of all this patriotic staying at home crap, I didn’t hear one whisper about all the ones who went to Cheltenham, including the arch righteous Fine Gael TDs.
I thought you were going west for the weekend? Is that not enough for ya?
As far as your June holiday is concerned, I can’t wait for the peace and quiet.
Now to finish that black bush and retire to the leaba.
.-= kerryview´s last brainfart .. Passport Office Dummies =-.
Con – I am dropping the Cap’n bit. Like it or lump it. They can fuck off with their patriotism. I have my reasons for staying in Ireland this year and it has fuck all to do with any call to support my country. Given half a chance I’d be off somewhere where the sun is warm, the prices are low and I’m not treated like the spawn of the devil for smoking a pipe.
Ian – Do as I say, and not as I do?
Kerryview – I’m talking about a proper holiday. As for the peace and quiet – I’m heading down to your neck of the woods. 😈
I hope Harney managed to secure lots of jobs with her trip to New Zealand.
Aye, Grandad. There does appear to be a squadron of skippers around in these waters.
Hording is the worst enemy of old people GD. It’s bad enough trying to remember to put your pants on in the morning, let alone recall where you’ve left a letter!
Anyway, have a really good holiday. I’m wishing you that now, in case I forget later. (D*mn this old age thing)!
.-= Geri Atric´s last brainfart .. MIND OVER MATTER! =-.
Ahhh Geri,
You’re not as bad as me .. I was gonna join the Alzheimer’s Society but forgot which night they meet and where ..
Like I’d intended joining the Apathy Society but couldn’t be arsed ..