Mu ing
Her elf ha gone and fu ked up her keyboard.
he went and pilled ome of her gin on it whi h wa a bit arele .
It i a trange thing, but gin and keyboard ju t don’t mix very well, a wa obviou by the wee loud of moke that aro e.
Lu kily it didn’t do mu h damage. The laptop till work a well a before ex ept of one mall matter – the letter ” ” and ” ” don’t work any more. Thi will be fine a long a  he doe n’t u e any plural and ho e all other word  arefully.
In fa t, I’m u ing her laptop now ju t to how her how ea y it i .
“He elf ha gone and fu ked up her keyboard”
I think you have a letter ‘r’ not working either.
Sowwy about that. Unless you mean heself.
Kerryview – Thank for that. It wa a raightforward mi pelling error. It i fixed.
now my po t look  illy and make me look like a right unt for potting mi pelling and then ommenting on it. Now I will look like a u king unt of a hithead.
Kerryview – Don’t worry. It will ju t tea h me to be more areful in the future.
Couldn’t you get by in Hawaiian? I think they only have twelve letters in their alphabet.
Ian – But doe Hawaiian u e the letter ” ” or ” “?
I read your post aloud, and swear I heard my Granny talking. Now that I think of it, that was *also* gin related…
Anyhow, listen to Ian: he plenty akamai for one haole. Move to Hawai’i; problem solved.
No – they have aeiou and hklmnpw!
Ian – Great!! Do you mind being a haole?
u an – The Old Folk know the way to live!! 😉
I was trying to remember the name of the guy in Hawaii 5-0 who was always being told ‘book him’.
Ja k Lord?
rotflmao, “book’m Danno!
Danno! I couldn’t remember it at all.
Of course, were he really Hawaiian he’d have to be Anno and Grandad would be Ana. You wouldn’t want to get your vowels confused.
Call in the ‘CSi’ squad!
(She’s pulling a fast one knowing you’ll get her a shiney new xmas pressie!)
What would I do with the  I quad? And he can whi tle for a new omputer.
Definitely need the CSI boys, otherwise you are stuck with Olumbo and Haft.
Or Tarky and Huth?
Ity’s bad alright. Buirt nit as basd as my toudfhc typinf.