maybe the pisser was a post-modern rock 21st century ambient music critic making a statement on the poor state of diddly-eye music in the contemporary multi-national conurbation setting of Ennis, Limerick and Kilrush. Of course he have just been burstin.
It was probably Bono.
I would pay to watch Bono being electrocuted. Actually I would give anything to see him being electrocuted repeateadly.
Ah poor Bono, what would the world do without its social conscience, Bono should be Considered a Unique National Treasure or CUNT for short.
How did they keep bringing Bono back to life ?
He’d be able to sing higher notes, and all.
TT – With his money, they can do anything.
I love it! I absolutely love it! (I knew it would work).
maybe the pisser was a post-modern rock 21st century ambient music critic making a statement on the poor state of diddly-eye music in the contemporary multi-national conurbation setting of Ennis, Limerick and Kilrush. Of course he have just been burstin.
It was probably Bono.
I would pay to watch Bono being electrocuted. Actually I would give anything to see him being electrocuted repeateadly.
Ah poor Bono, what would the world do without its social conscience, Bono should be Considered a Unique National Treasure or CUNT for short.
How did they keep bringing Bono back to life ?
He’d be able to sing higher notes, and all.
TT – With his money, they can do anything.
I love it! I absolutely love it! (I knew it would work).