Grandad not working
If anyone manages to read this â congratulations!
Something is radically wrong with the site and it is driving me up the fucking wall.
All seems to be well again
If any of you out there are not hosted by Blacknight you are out of your fucking minds. They are the best.
I made it through !
Grandad we’ve moved your site to it’s own machine for the mo. So it’s back running fully now 🙂
Also fixed WP-Supercache (perms were off) Sorry Grandad :/
Seamus – Yup. Â Something seems to be working!
Paul – Did I not say [and continue to say] that Blacknight are the BEST! Â Thanks.
This is the fastest I have known it.
TT – Yup. And the site is pretty fast too?
Good bit faster this time around so you must have done something right!
My Black Knight knows nothing about web-hosting. But he sure knows other things.
Nothing more annoying or frustrating. I had a similar experience a while back and it drove me up the fucking wall.
By the way, did I notice someone from Blacknight offering to do something with WP-Supercache? All those adjustments to sexy permalinks put me right off installing it.
Rhodester – Is your Black Knight part of your Gay Bishop chess set?
Bock – ‘Tis a bugger all right. SuperCache is fine, and does a great job. Nothing to worry about there. The only time it pisses me off is when I make a change to the layout and forget to clear the cache before seeing the change. Go for it!!
I’ll thank you not to poke fun at my buddy Phil, the gay archbishop.
Yeah, but you have to do all those redirects and shit, don’t you? And then Google forgets you exist. Or something.
Rhodester – Me? Poke fun at a bishop? Never! [I leave that in your expert hands]
Bock – No redirects. Google is going to read your site on a regular basis anyway, so nice ligible URLs are nice. I stuck a yoke on this site to re-write the page titles which certainly did no harm.
Ah you know what I’m like. Complicated tech things make me afraid.
That’s why I tolerate the Other Fella hangin’ around.  He has his uses. Sometimes.