
A little tribute — 13 Comments

  1. Such a loverly tribute to a fine holiday. Just reinforces what I’ve always  thought–Vermont needs castles and such adorning it’s hills.
    Fair wind and following sea to you and herself for your trip home. Yes, I know you’re driving and taking the ferry but it’s the thought that counts?

  2. Thanks Grandad, I’ve really enjoyed your holiday, it’s the only one I’ll get for a while. Beautiful, beautiful place.

  3. Grandad – Sorry if this is a stupid question as this is my first post to your site, but I was just curious as to where these pictures were taken? They are really beautiful and I have never seen an area like this before.

  4. I have to second Baino’s comment, and thank you for sharing your holiday with us.
    Thanks, I had a wonderful time.

  5. Very nice GD, maybe you’ve left a bit of Ireland in France, and bringing a bit of France home to us. Save travels as they say, and remember get on the left once you touch these shores!
    Oh, and if it wasn’t for the balloon and the castle i’d think you were having us on and really you’re hiding out down in West Cork!

  6. I hope you all enjoyed it?  I did my best with the photographs, but it wasn’t easy choosing from the 200 odd photographs [and films] that I took.

    Sean – You are more than welcome here.  I was staying in a tiny place called Le Peche, which is about I mile west of Baynac-et-Cazenac in theDordogne region of France.  If anyone wants to see exactly where I was, and if you have Google Earth then this is the file you want.  The pin is on the house!

    Mick – When was the last time it was 28 in the shade in September in West Cork?

    Ian – If I were me, I’d do the same.  Especially if I could afford it!

    K8 – If you have ruined my grass, I’ll kill you.  The lawn doesn’t matter.

  7. Do you really want to come back?
    Someone may have had a sex party in yer gaff.
    It may or may not have been me.  But mostly may.

  8. Good photography there too Grandad. I’d say you’ve done a fair bit for Baynac in terms of tourism from Ireland so they may even let you back again(!)

    Good luck to herself with the packing and lugging heavy suitcases to the car etc (cough).

  9. You presence in France singlehandedly pushed my Alexa rating there up to 79,873 – now it will disappear altogether 🙁

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