
Endorsements — 8 Comments

  1. I believe I dislike advertising more than anything else on this planet. e.g. NASCAR- commercials flashing before your eyes at 200 mph.

  2. TT – I have to be careful here, because if it weren’t for advertising, I wouldn’t be in France.  I hate the ‘in your face’ type though. and product endorement posts always look so bloody artificial.

  3. TheChrisD – So do I .  🙂

    Chris P – I saw that doing the rounds.  Unfortunately, I think you’ll find it’s ‘a little after the event’ if you know what I mean? 😉

    Baino – Not unless the gold runs out and the world turns Goth?

  4. I got an offer of a wedding ring over the summer too, in exchange for a post—my husband has never bought me one of those so posting about the subject would *not* have been a positive one LOL; I declined.

    Now, I would have gone for that car, definitely.

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