
Portugal can keep Lisbon — 24 Comments

  1. The patriots will be silenced. Having said that I will be very surprised if voters will be fooled by these so called guarantees.

    We said no, that should be that.

    But it won’t.
    .-= >> Maxi Cane´s latest brainfart .. Right on my Twits =-.

  2. Maxi – That should be that [in a democratic society] but I have a horrible fear that the government are going to frighten people into a YES vote.

  3. The patriots have pretty much quit in disgust after looking at what people have done with the freedoms they purchased with their sweat and blood. People get the government the deserve.

    Personally if Texas ever succeeds from the Union I would consider emigration. I actually would prefer Alaska to Texas, but the Wife has informed me I’d be going alone.

  4. But have you considered what the repercussions of another ‘No’ vote could be?
    -If we’re really lucky, we might even manage to get rid of Cowen at the same time.

    Count me in.

  5. Hmmmm. Could it be that this second “vote” is just a front for a forced acceptance of the Lisbon Treaty?

  6. you see what annoys me about this goverment that they are the cause of this ressession and yet they will be going on about how lisbon can save us and how we should vote yes well i am voting no. After all i didnt help myself to huge amounts of money in bank loans. I didnt screw this country up the wankers no sorry bankers did. I asked for a small loan from the bank that i have been with for years and they said no. So i more or less said to them well i ddint screw you over guys just so you know.
    .-= >> Vicky Rogers´s latest brainfart .. I have the diet blues =-.

  7. Jim C – That 1916 crowd must be spinning in their graves!!

    Chris – One of the great side benefits of a NO win would be to see that slobbering bastard humiliated. It would be worth a NO vote for that alone!!

    Daniel – Of course it is. We are being ask to accept exactly the same treaty. They haven’t changed a single word of it.

    Vicky – You should have asked for a couple of billion from your bank. They probably would have given you that.

  8. Tch! You keep whining about how bad the Irish govern ment is. Maybe y’all should give a European one a shot.Or cecede from Europe.

  9. TT – Our lot are a shower of corrupt gangsters, but at least they are our shower of corrupt gangsters. Europe is run by bureaucrats and people who others have elected. I will never get a chance to vote for or against Merkel or Sarkozy, yet they seem to be doing most of the driving.


    “He is personally free and appointed to his position on the basis of conduct
    He exercises the authority delegated to him in accordance with impersonal rules, and his loyalty is enlisted on behalf of the faithful execution of his official duties
    His appointment and job placement are dependent upon his technical qualifications
    His administrative work is a full-time occupation
    His work is rewarded by a regular salary and prospects of advancement in a lifetime career
    He must exercise his judgment and his skills, but his duty is to place these at the service of a higher authority. Ultimately he is responsible only for the impartial execution of assigned tasks and must sacrifice his personal judgment if it runs counter to his official duties.
    Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide performance. It includes such things as budgets, statistical reports, and performance appraisals to regulate behavior and results.”

    Sounds better than “corrupt gangsters” even “OUR corrupt gangsters” as you put it.

  11. Whoops! I see I am back at the top of the commenters list. Can’t have that. Better back off for a few days. Hasta luego chico.

  12. TT – From the same source…

    The term “bureaucrat” today has largely accepted negative connotations, so those who are the members of a governmental bureaucracy usually prefer terms such as civil servant or public servant to describe their jobs. The negative connotation is fueled by the perception that bureaucrats lack creativity and autonomy.

    The ‘corrupt gangsters’ I refer to are our esteemed elected officials, who have so nicely sold this country right down the toilet.

    Being at the top of my commenters’ list is an honour accorded to few. You really need your own blog though.

  13. What makes you think I don’t have one ? Heard of RABBIO here in the U.S. ?
    (Restricted Access Blogs, By Invitation Only.)

  14. I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one thinking like this. While I would love to see Biffo with more egg on his face, letting this referendum become another anti Fianna Failure vote would just give them another excuse to run it again.

    Keep up the good work!

  15. We are being told that this treaty is merely a tidying exercise, to make Brussels more democratic and accountable. If that is all it is, then why is it so fucking important that it be passed?

    Because it is important that we make Brussels more democratic and accountable. Surely if that’s all it merely is, then we SHOULD do that?

    If we vote No, then Ireland should do the honourable thing and withdraw from Europe. If they want to go one way, and we don’t time and time again, then we should let them be, and stop wasting their time.

    Incidentally, I am a Yes man, and still am.

  16. TT – We have Rabbio in Europe too, but we have vaccinations [or is it Rabies I’m thinking of?]

    Conor – I completely agree. There is a temptation to use this as another chance to have a swipe at the government, but this is not the time.

    Roosta – I frankly don’t think Brussels can be more democratic. It is just too big, so that even if the entire population of this island voted unanimously on some item, we would still represent a mere 1% of the total voice. This in turn is another of my objections – while economic cooperation is eminently feasible throughout a continent, political accord isn’t. A Superstate of 450 million is just too big.

    If we vote No, then why the hell should we withdraw? That makes no sense whatsoever. You say that ‘they’ want to go another way, but who are ‘they’? You can’t include the people of Europe in that as they haven’t been given a voice.

    If all the people of Europe vote on this treaty, and the result is Yes, then I have no problem accepting it, because I believe in democracy. The fact that 99% are rendered mute makes a total mockery of all that Europe purports to stand for.

  17. I’ve been waiting for this to show up and have been following closely once it did. I noticed that your Biffo stated for the public that he was not ready to accept NO for an answer. Personally, and for all the reasons that Grandad stated plus a few of my own, I’d love to see you folks shove a NO vote right down his lying, fork tongued throat. As was said above, you might even rid yourselves of him and perhaps a few of his ilk in the process.

    Keeping my eye on the news and always hoping for the best…
    .-= >> Kirk M´s latest brainfart .. WordPress 2.8.1 fixes 2.8 auto upgrade bug =-.

  18. So very well said, GD. I hope you’ll keep up your small NO campaign going.
    Although, I am seriously concerned that this time the treaty will pass. They were taken by surprise previously, this time they will pump much more money into obtaining the oh so democratic yes.

    I wonder if I can vote in the referendum – afraid I can’t (as I am a proper registered voter now, but not for everything).
    .-= >> jedrzej´s latest brainfart .. double portrait on the rock =-.

  19. Kirk M – That bloke’s arrogance is unbelievable. It does parallel that of Europe though who never considered we would reject it in the first place.

    Jedrzej – It is extremely unlikely I will change my mind. It would take a guarantee of a Europe-wide referendum to do that!! Of course they are going to pump a fortune [that we cannot afford] into it, and I fear they will succeed. The Irish are so easily bought!

  20. I had to look it up, and was surprised to find that the US Constitution was not ratified by a popular vote. It was ratified by elected conventions of representatives. However, this is an issue for the Irish People and the Irish People alone. I shall remain a spectator.

  21. Of course being the old shit stirrer that I am I’ve had to ask myself that if you (the Irish) managed a successfull NO vote and shortly thereafter got rid of Biffo and some of his ilk…um…

    …then what?

    What would you folks be able to put in his place that would actually be better? For those who know me will realize I mean absolutely no offense when I say that by the gist of some of the posts/comments by various Irish bloggers and commenters that I’ve read, one might feel that you don’t really think that much of yourselves in general anyway. Of course several posts and associated comments do not show the truth in the majority’s opinion of themselves as a people but it would seem to me that despite all the faults of any “peoples” anywhere (Americans as a whole have plenty of faults and we know it. Still, it’s our country and we’ll strive to have the best for it despite that) you have to think well enough of yourselves as “The Irish” in the first place before any real improvements can be had.

    I’m only writing this here because there’s plenty of intelligent and aware folks who hang around this blog who might offer some insight on this.

    Respectfully yours…
    .-= >> Kirk M´s latest brainfart .. Lacking posts but accomplishing more? =-.

  22. Kirk M – An excellent point. I am the first to admit that I am ashamed of the current ‘Irish’. For centuries, we were a downtrodden, poor country but we had a fire in our collective belly. Then we discovered the power of the hand-out [Europe again!!] and became a nation of shallow money lovers who can be bought even by the lowest bidder. When the continentals have a gripe, they take to the streets in a flash, but we just sit in our crumbling mansion and complain.
    As for the alternative? You’re right again. The two main parties here are essentially identical and the rest are too small to consider. The one thing that does set Fianna Fail apart is their party loyalty. That should be admired, but what it leads to is a party that is always right even when it’s wrong, and people will vote for them even though they secretly know they probably shouldn’t. It leads to a philosophy of Party before Country, so that even though the party was virtually annihilated in the last elections, they still grimly cling to power.

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