
I’m free — 8 Comments

  1. Robert – Who cares about the weather, as long as I can get his name on that certificate? Actually, it’s not too bad so far – sunny, windy and a drop of sunshine.

  2. Have a good one Wed Rambles. Don’t hit the Guinness till after your speech…

  3. Woohoo!! I hope all the right people fall down, and all the right ones stay standing. Have a SPLENDID time, all of you! Congratulations!

  4. have a great day and a bit congrats to kate and tatt may they have a long and happy life together.

  5. Thank you all, and a big welcome to Lily!

    Thankfully the day didn’t go without a hitch, because if she hadn’t been hitched, I would have been a bit annoyed.

    I did try and flog her on eBay, Amazon and Gumtree, but there were no takers, so sadly I did have to give her away in the end.

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