New Year Revolution
I have never been one for New Years resolutions.
They are a load of crap.
Why should a particular date determine when I should decide to be better [or worse]?
If I am out and about on say the 12th July and I take a pot shot at a toss pot wearing Bermuda shorts and a Panama hat and I miss, why should I wait nearly six months to resolve to aim more carefully?
I suppose there is an argument that it is easier to calculate how long the resolution lasts? On the 1st of July I could put my hand on my heart and say I have given up groping women for six months? But then I have no intention of giving that up so that is irrelevant.
There are people out there who are sanctimoniously promising themselves that theyâll give up smoking or chocolate or sex in back alleyways, but thatâs a load of bollox. They will only make themselves miserable and they will be back to their old ways before the Christmas decorations are down.
And why should I make a resolution anyway? What am I suppose to resolve?
My problem is that I donât have any bad habits to quit. I canât think of any good habits I should take up.
This is my problem.
Iâm already perfect.
Congratulations oh perfect one!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
I feel the same way. I currently have no vices. A nun in school once said to us that if we gave up sugar in our tea for lent that the following lent we should go back to taking sugar again! Maybe for 2009 we should take back up all the bad habits again – or find a couple of new and really bad ones!
Kate – Happy New Year to you too. You have my permission to get pissed tonight.
Dorothy – It is quite hard word being perfect. I think you’re right about developing a few bad habits. What bad habits can I adopt? Opening doors for women? Being nice to little children? It’s a hard choice.
I like making New Year resolutions; they keep my mind off the fact that it’s now stinking January, because I haaaate winter.
Hmm. Maybe I should resolve to move to Hawaii?
Meanwhile, Congratulations on your perfection! (I think many of us could have told you already) And Happy New Year!
That’s exactly why I don’t bother with them either.
Perfection does come with its burdens.
Maybe work on your aim? I think some tourists got away from you.
Happy New Year, hairy one. I have no resolutions, just an undertaking to be nice. By the way, did I tell you how attractive you are? Hee! x
Happy New Year you old codger.
Happy New Year to you and yours. I never have resolutions at New Year. It’s too much pressure. There are plenty of bad habits I’d like to break, but give me a few weeks OK? Have a good 2009 – you’ll have rung it in by now… 🙂
My new years resolution is to comment more on the blogs I read, so here I am acting on it!
I’m going to try and watch a lot less Prime Time this year. That’s all. I call it the McWilliams-avoidance resolution.
Thank you all for your good wishes.
In return, I have replied 😉
And I did too – it was great fun….and …no hangover …what a surprise…I must have danced it off!!!