Losing it
There are times when I could cheerfully go on a rampage with an AK-47.
The last 24 hours have been such a time.
I wrote, innocently enough on Sunday that my laptop was irritating me. Now, I don’t know if it took a huff at what I had written or maybe it was just Sod’s Law, but it decided to explode not long after I had written my little piece.
It is only the second time in my life that has ever happened, and the first time was someone else’s PC so I didn’t give a damn then.
It went up in a cute little pall of smoke, and that was the end of that.
I tried everything, but it just sat there with a blank screen whinging about how it had no hard drives.
Little fucker.
I haven’t lost much.
All my photos of France are gone, along with my porn other documents. The worst of all is that I have lost all my passwords, and now I can’t access all my ‘premium’ sites.
The Other Fella went off and bought me a new laptop, which for once was reasonably decent of him.
I started tweaking that one this morning, installing all my stuff on it, and that fucking collapsed as well.
Himself came over and we had a few words on the matter, and he has managed to get it to the point where I can start writing again.
I’m really pissed off with laptops now. I could cheerfully drop this in a local bog hole, but I suppose after Yer Man has bought me a new one, I had better not.
If this one goes belly up again though, I am going to find myself a nice high vantage point.
Me and my AK-47.
I don’t like Mondays.
Hey, hope this helps. Here are your passwords:
Have a nice day.
I miss Bush already.
Mmmm Keiron keeps telling me to back up my laptop – maybe I’ll learn your lesson and just do that!
Thanks Grandad!
Oh and sorry about your loss… and your bad temper..
Get yourself an online off-site back up… http://dotwebs.com/blog/index.php/2008/12/new-website-for-datasafe/
Kate – I am begining to think there may be something in this backup lark after all…. ๐
I see that you have migrated over to a new webserver recently so maybe it was the previous one that was a bit upset so it commanded your laptop to blow up on you?
AK-47 is not the weapon of choice for accuracy (I infer a need from the selection of a high vantage point). While it is excellent in terms of durability. For versatility could I interest you in the T.C.I. M89-SR from Israel:
The M89-SR is designed as a dual purpose weapon. Designed for both urban anti-terrorist operations as well as a battlefield sniper rifle
Grenades are my favorite. Better than shoes. Shame that.
Well Thriftcriminal is correct the Automat Kalashnakov is far from an accurate rifle. I have a few old M14’s that have been glass bedded and the barrels free-floated. If not I’ll get a Stoli Panda action for ya’ with a Kreighof barrel in say…..Hmmmm….6.5/284 or one of those 6 mm bench rest wildcats? Of course it shall come with a McMillan prone stock and long distance Warner sights. Did you prefer a Jewel trigger or an Rock River trigger?
Robert – Migration was ages ago! It can’t be that unless there was a grudge festering somewhere?
OK, OK. I’ll go for the Stoli, with a Jewel trigger please.
Thing about the AK you can fire it in mud and it won’t jam.
The Israelis don’t like being turned down. Though they do have other things on their mind right now,
Exploding laptops? Some advice – Buy the more expensive Christmas crackers next year
Genocide ?
I think you might want to keep the porn off of there. It’s obviously causing your laptop(s) to shuffle it’s priorities a bit. Suggest you offload that kind of stuff to a DVD or something so the thing doesn’t spend all it’s time looking at it and ignoring you.
Heh! A few comments got trapped in spam and moderation.
Sixty – You were rightly marked as spam. Thanks for sending me my passwords. I can get into quite a few sites now.
Dorothy – Stop pimping your clients’ websites. Nice design, by the way. ๐
TT – It’s true about the AK. I find it never jams even when covered in slurry.
Thrifty – They are rather busy these days, aren’t they? Nasty fuckers.
Dorothy – I will just wheel out my laptop each Christmas. Who needs crackers?
TT – Taking two genocide in a glass of water before bedtime is very good for a restful night. Or am I thinking of something else?
Kirk M – Porn? How very dare you. I don’t keep porn on my PC. [Actually, it’s on a separate USB hard drive]
The same thing happened to my computer (not a laptop though) a week back. It cost me almost 400 dollars for them to “retrieve” all my photos (yes, yes I too have heard of backup but have never got around to it..) and other stuff. Now, I’ve had to reload Skype and all the other programs I use (it would have cost me another 100 dollars to get them to do that) and the whole thing’s been a huge pain in the you know where. So, my sympathy GD, it just sucks, that’s all.
By the way, should there be “snow” falling all over your website screen? It’s lovely, but I’m just wondering if that’s a part of the big blowup, the residue? hope your Christmas was very Merry – did you finish the whiskey at all? ๐
Tricia – 400 dollars? Now I’m depressed! I haven’t enquired about reviving the remains yet, but I hope it’s not that much. The snow is due to a rather sharp cold snap we are having at the moment. I have to pour de-icing fluid over the blog to get it started in the morning. I don’t have that problem though – I still have some whiskey left. ๐