Gormless erections
What have we done to the Gormleys that they are inflicting the dimwits of their family on us?
First we have to contend with John ‘Gormless’ Gormley and his pathetic ‘Greening’ of the government.
Now we have to put up with another monstrosity, again inflicted on us by a Gormley.
Apparently the green [sic] light has been given for a hideous eyesore to be dumped in the Liffey.
I don’t mind statues. I can take ’em or leave ’em. But when the fucking thing is 46 meters, or 150 feet high there is no getting away from it.
I think it looks terrible. It dominates the whole skyline and looks oppressive. It says nothing to me. It merely represents an ego trip for the artist who has modelled the form on himself. If it were a water feature that ejected water from roughly half way up, I would say that it is representative of the modern Irish.
Could someone please tell me what it is for [apart from wasting â¬1.6 million of our money, of course]?
Unless, of course it is Irelands answer to The Wicker Man, and they are going to stuff it fill of all the drug dealers, crime barons and other politicians, and set fire to it?
We can but hope Grandad, we can but hope…
Wait until some enterprising marketer offers top pay to drape an advertising sash around it…
That’s a brilliant idea Grandad. And as it’s metal, it can be used again and again. We could have a competition for who gets to light the match and make it a bank holiday, like the proposed Famine memorial day.
Makes me feel like 1984, Big Brother is watching you …
As if they didn’t waste enough money building a big sewing needle, now they want to build a giant’s kids playground climbing bars thingy in the middle of the Liffey? No thanks…
Whoa, that thing is hideous! I WAS going to bring busloads of my American friends to tour your fine country, but now we’re all repelled..
..oh, wait..
It is to commemorate all those who have ever been thrown into water?
Very funny, GD.. VERY FUNNY.
Any mention of the ‘Green Party’ brings out the “rage” in me.
I’m probably repeating myself but it is some consolation that they are going to be crucified in the next general electiom. (I hope.)
Sadly however, the same shower of Fianna Fail muppets will still get elected. 😐
P.S. Wicker Man was an outstanding film. Lessons to be learned there I think..
GD, for some reason I thought of you when I saw this..
Don’t bother with the whole blog – just the disclaimer down at the bottom about profanity – fecking hilarious, and a great approach.
Do you remember the last piece of artistic expression in the Liffey, the Millennium Clock?
It was a disaster.
They would be better placed spending the money cleaning the bloody river
@grandad fair point
@ian fair point
@kingbob fair point… ah this is gonna take ages
@darragh & @rhodesTer points combined is my view – plus is it recycled or GREEN in any form??? does it use solar power? is solar powered? is it carbon neutral?? is it useful? IS IT MY [our/ taxpayers] MONEY????!
then John please stop being a spanner and get on with the job
[bulaidh bós grandad]
Robert – I hope you are referring to the original Wicker Man and not the latest hash-up?
RhodesTer – Love it! I must experiment with that.
Ian – The Time in The Slime? Who could forget it? [answer = everyone]
King Bob – The money would be better spent just about anywhere else.
Peter – Solar power? It doesn’t DO anything. It just stands there in the mud looking hideous. I presume our taxes pay for it? That’s why I don’t pay any. 😈
Robert – I hope you are referring to the original Wicker Man and not the latest hash-up?
RhodesTer – Love it! I must experiment with that.
Ian – The Time in The Slime? Who could forget it? [answer = everyone]
King Bob – The money would be better spent just about anywhere else.
Peter – Solar power? It doesn’t DO anything. It just stands there in the mud looking hideous. I presume our taxes pay for it? That’s why I don’t pay any. 😈
I am indeed GD, I wasn’t aware there was a remake!
I love the word gormless. It applies to so many people yet they have no clue what it means.
Are they planning to install a fountain with like…the guy taking a leak?
Conundrum – It would at least make some sense if they did. My bet is that it will end up as a Darwin Machine – drunks plunging to their death off it for a dare. Though I still maintain we should stuff it full of politicians and set fire to it at Halloween.