The need for security
In these troubled times we live in, security is an unfortunate necessity.
Even here in the mountains, we must always remain vigilant. Being a rural community, we tend to look after one another, and run our own form of neighbourhood watch scheme.
I thought I would help out, so I purchased a consignment of wireless webcams. These are great as they can be placed at strategic points and I can record whatever is going on at the flick of a switch.
I placed them at strategic points around Head Rambles Manor and the surrounding area, and they work extremely well.
I had quite a few cameras left over, so in the interests of neighbourliness, I decided to protect my neighbours homes as well. In order not to disturb them, I waited until they were out, but I’m sure they’ll be delighted at the extra security.
I tried the system out again last night and again it worked well.
Just as soon as I sort out some problems with focussing.
When did Barbie and Ken move in next door? …..
By the way …. nice gate …. you make it yourself? 🙂
Paddy – Differeny Barbies all the time. You know the old saying – when the cat’s away……..
The gate is an old one that I hammered together years ago. I’m great at mending fences too.
Well these are dangerous times. And it’s reassuring to know that your neighbour knows the Heimlich manoeuvre.
Green Ink – I have just sorted the focus. It’s not the Heimlich manoeuvre. I didn’t know you could do that with a garden insecticide sprayer?
Is that a manually pumped garden insecticide sprayer?
I hope it’s the new plastic variety …. the old brass type might be a little cold on Barbie’s delicate areas!
Paddy – I think it’s a plastic one. I didn’t know women had to be inflated?
not at all …. inflation is a personal thing …. inflation/deflation ….. depends on the sprayer! and the sprayee!
Is that what they were talking about on the news the other night when they said inflation was going up?
no … different story altogether …. that was about the cost of filling the brown envelopes rising dramatically ….
I must say it looks grand. The first picture i.e.
Looks like the nice young man in the picture is about to surprise his missuz with a lovely new potted plant… what a thoughtful feller!
Paddy – Thanks for explaining that. I went out and pumped up my car tyres by 2%
TT – The second is now as good as the first. I can’t post it though. It will appear shortly when I have my Pay Per View site up….
K8 – Is it an aspidistra?
Wait, that’s a picture of that legendary “two backed beast” isn’t it? I remember a couple of guys named Rabelais and Othello talking that one. Pretty rare I hear.
You could be onto something with those video camera’s.
By the way, “waiting for” is grinding your site to a halt when flipping from one page to another. You might want to send them a threatening letter telling them to shape up or this out of focus photo will be sent to people who shouldn’t see it.
Going into porn again Grandad? Looks to me like some excess vaseline got on that lens.
@ Thrifty LOL!!!!
Grandad, you got me back – ’til I who sprayed Hubby’s laptop with Merlot this time!! You are a one. Hee hee!
Sorry, that should have said ’tis, not ’til. Bed time methinks.
Kirk M – I had my suspicions about Odiogo [and the neighbours] for a while, and have disabled it [but not the neighbours].
Thrifty – It is called security. CCTV. They’re everywhere. Why should you assume porn? You have a dirty mind.
E Mum – “tis I who sprayed Hubby’s laptop with Merlot this time”
I’m not paying for that! It’s not my fault if you can’t control yourself?
Hey just wipe your lens,or get some new glasses !
Hey, I know that gate… Come to think of it, that horizontal blur looks a lot like the missus… looks like she’s bouncing our young lad on her knee again. She always makes great time for the little fella! Wow Grandad, does this mean we’re neighbours?
H – Could be? There are one or two people I know who talk a lot of shite. Are you one of them?