
New Year Resolutions? — 7 Comments

  1. Hope you have a happy one too, as you say it is just one more day but it does remind oneself to reflect on the year that just passed.

  2. Grannymar – Look what happened when I hugged my server!! May 2008 be better than 2007. [There is always room for improvement somewhere]

  3. Happy New Year Grandad. We’re already into it! Keep up the good work. I haven’t made any resolutions this year. Done it for 40 years and never kept one! Although I didn’t go for the patches to give up smoking. It’s been Hell but I’m getting there! Don’t bother moderating your language, just learn how to spell the expletives properly.

  4. Hey Baino – Happy New Year to you too. When you say ‘learn how to spell properly’ what do you mean? With or without the asterisks??

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