Gripes about blogging
I am a law abiding person. Most of the time.
I like to abide by the laws of the Interweb and write proper code according to standards.
I like things to validate.
Now, as you may have noticed, I have a blog. It runs on WordPress, and that validates beautifully. However, my site fails validation. Why?
I have tried to clean up my site but all I get is this:
So all the errors are caused by code from Digg, Google and Blogrush. There is nothing I can do about this, apart from removing them from my site.
Is there any way of fixing this, short of buying out the companies and fixing their code? That seems a bit expensive? I know if I write to them, they’ll just ignore me.
Another thing that p*sses me off is
Why can’t they write code that works in Firefox?
A few of my favourite blogs run in Blogspot and they appear to be fine. Until, of course I go to write a comment. I click on the Comment link, and I get this…
Now, I cant see the right hand side of this little popup. I can’t resize the window. I can’t scroll sideways. In other words, it’s useless. So I have to open the site in Internet Explorer. I hate Internet Explorer.
If you have a blog on Blogger, and I comment on it, then feel honoured.
I’ve gone to a lot of needless trouble.
I’ve noticed that with blogspot too. I also use the Adblock Plus Firefox plugin and I can’t see the captchas. Like yourself I hate going back to internet explorer even that might not be an option if I’m using my Apple Macbook.
It just irritates me that a site as big as Blogspot don’t seem to realise that it doesn’t work! And I hate popup windows!!!
I run Firefox and make the odd comment on Baino’s banter and never have such problems.
Grandad, just to let you know, Bertie’s 3rd Nip has posted a new blog so that should cover where he’s at and how he is.
Your absolutely correct, myself and B3N do work together and as computery people we have an answer for one of your questions today,
“Why canât they write code that works in Firefox?”
Answer: Because they can’t be arsed.
Hope we can be of help in the future.
Hi Grandad. Your html validates fine on W3C:
As for blogger comments, there’s an option for the blogger to open comments in a new window, or not. But there’s a way around it for you sometime; If you click the title of the post to get to the post page, rather than clicking on the add comment link, then it won’t open in a pop-up.
Greatly perplexed at your technical difficulties with Firefox, I clicked on all your blogroll and each one using blogger opened up a comments box in the middle of the page. I just think they are being awkward to get at you!
yeah, blogspot works alright for me on firefox, Grandad. stop whingeing.
i’m honoured that you occasionally see fit to comment, regardless of your technical issues.
Ian – Weird. Maybe you use John B’s trick?
EmptyHead – I saw that. I am just about to post a comment! I guessed that you work together, and I know where you work. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
John – You have cheered me [a little]!
Nope. If I click on the title, I still have to click on the Post a Comment link. However, I have found a way around it – Right-click the link, and open in a new tab! That works.
Bye bye Internet Explorer 🙂
Ian – A mystery?!
Rosie – If I want to whinge, I’ll whinge. It’s my blog and I’ll do what I like.
And yours is a blog worth commenting on [when I can think of something to say].
I really must update my blogroll………………
Sorry. I made my debut comment on headrambles by completely talking out of my sphincter! I was thinking of something related but different…erm look over there! [runs off]
John – You have just displayed the requisite weirdness to be accepted as a commenter [commentator] on this blog. You are more than welcome!
I always felt privileged when you commented on my blogspot Grandad and I will have a new one on WordPress soon as soon I can get the bits together.
Jesus Emptyhead, can’t keep your mouth shut for a minute can you? I’ll have to have words with my sister.
Ah. Great. Cheers Grandad 🙂
Dud, I also hate it when I want to check out a commenters blog by clicking on their name. It opens a new tab in the itty-bitty window that can’t be resized.
“IT CAME FROM BLOGSPOT – THE WINDOW THAT COULDN’T BE RESIZED” opening on a screen near you soon.
Hey Grandad,
Go into your Firefox options and under the content tab, click on the “advance” button in the top section and see if the top check box is checked (“move or resizing windows). If it is…un-check it and the pop up comment window should work correctly. Worked for me anyway.
I believe that that pop up comment window is an option that the blog owner can set since some of the blogger blogs throw up a whole new page displaying previous comments on the left and your comment box on the right rather than the tiny comment window.
Blogger obviously codes their sites for IE…
Oh, and forget about validation. Never pays to worry about it anyway and tends to cause a rash. Unless you use WP “as is” right out of the box, a W3C validated theme “as is” right out of the box and absolutely nothing else, you’ll have errors. Does it render correctly in the 3 main browsers? Yeah? Good enough then!
No matter how I try I’m still loaded with validation errors most caused by things in the sidebar as well as anything that just isn’t plain xhtml text. Suffice it to say that if it renders and operates correctly in IE 7.0, Firefox 2.whatever, Gran Paradiso nightly builds and Opera (w/wo Java), then it’s good enough for me.
For IE 6.0 users…sorry folks. Can’t have everything, especially for that non-compliant dinosaur.
Well then. That looks like a good two cents worth. take care now.
Of course, there’s always the really useful IE Tab extension for firefox. I recently signed up for something we call digital signature here. It’s a semi-official thing, where your personal details are put into some encrypted thingymajig, and then you can use that one login for all the public services websites, like changing names, death/birth certificates, weddings, changing adresses and lots of other useless shite. In true form for the Public System, the whole shebang only worked in IE. So IE tab was installed, and firefox took over yet another service on my box.
That should fix the problem, if you get tired of the open in new tab deal. Granted, though, I use the open in new tab all the time. I just have the IE tab extension in the severe cases, where FF just can’t cut the mustard.
I use Firefox’s big brother called SeaMonkey. I love that it is more configurable than Firefox yet also allows for all the extensions.
I have no &^% clue….not even sure I know how to blog anymore after reading all these comments, I have never even heard of Firefox, SeaMonkey blah blah blah, feel a bit out of my depth today sniff sniff, too much highlighter at the hairdersser last week…?
B3N – Welcome back to the land of the half-living 🙂
Don’t blame EmptyHead – I worked it out all by my clever little self!
Sixty – A fellow sufferer?!
Kirk – Now you’re showing off! I’ll leave that box ticked because I hate pop-ups. I’ll stick with “Open in a new Tab”. And people should worry about validation. If Blogspot were written properly, I would,’t have problems….?
Dalif – I have that extension. But I refuse to use it unless I have to. FF can always cut the mustard – it’s the coders that can’t.
Brainf – I have to try that out. I must clear some disk space!!! 🙁
Natalie – Firefox is a browser that works properly, unlike that heap of steaming sh*t called Internet Explorer. Once you use it, you’ll never bother with the hairdressers again….
Well you know how talented I am in the technosphere but I’ve never had a problem with Blogspot and I use Firefox all the time. WE just crashes and freezes.
Baino – WE? Do you mean IE? Maybe you have a weird Oz version of Firefox? If so, can I have it please?
Another tip might be to open a Blogger account and just post a link now and again there. That way you have access to the Blogger system by signing in with your user name and it’s also useful for thinking laterally.
Well, you must have done something right because according to W3C and the Firefox Web Developer toolbar. you are 100% valid; HTML, CSS and Java.
Congratulations! Pull yourself a pint.
I’m not valid and I render properly in all three main browsers and my feeds. PPphhhppttt!! 😛
You can set what type of window your comment box appears in, full page or pop-up, I’ve changed mine to full page as of now….thanks Grandad