Linux is a load of Billux
I woke early this morning.
I thought as I had some time to spare I’d try putting Linux on my PC.
I had already copied down the file from the Interweb, so I put it on a floppy, and stuck it in my floppy drive. [no jokes please]. I rebooted.
It made some funny noises, but things seemed to go all right. But then it started asking me questions. It wanted to know where to put the Linux, and did I want to use my whole hard drive?
I have my faithful crappy copy of Windows on the PC that works most of the time, and I didn’t want to lose that. Or my collection of porn photographs. So I had to switch the PC off and start again.
This time I went into Windows and cleared up some space. Then I went back to my Linux again.
All went well. I found the space and I told Linux it could do what it wanted with that, and it seemed happy. I went off to make my fifth mug of tea.
I came back to find it was complaining about my hard disk. It said it was faulty. B*ll*x. It’s only ten years old , so it can’t be that bad. And the little pop-up thingy that was complaining wouldn’t go away.
So I had to start again from scratch.
This time it worked. Everything went in. It told me to reboot, which I did.
It looks nice. Uncluttered. Clean. Nice colours.
I told it to connect to the Interweb, but it refused. So I had to try to find what was wrong. And I ended up going around and around in circles. I eventually got it connected after another six mugs of tea.
So I started browsing the Interweb. No problem. Of course everything looked the same as it did in Windows, only much slower.
I went to see what else was there.
None of the programmes I need are around, except for a text editor, and a copy of Open Office. I opened that and tried to read some of my old documents, but it’s confusing. I’m used to my old ways. I’m too old to change.
I did find some games. Linux provides a lot more Games than Windows. But that’s a lot of trouble to go to just to play a game.
In the end, I went back to Windows.
Windows may not work, but at least I know where all the programmes that don’t work, are.
Time for another mug of tea.
I’d better go for a pee too.
I’m not the brightest when it comes to technology but I’m wondering why did you want to linux in the first place?
They told me to……
Anyway I’m one of those people who likes messing with things [just in case I am missing something!]
Grandad is a self confessed messer!
Will we tell him what he is missing?
What I’m missing, or what I’m messing?
poor bugger.
i have been in IT
since Christ knocked up Marya long time; i’ve used every iteration of DOS, Windows, Posix, BeOS, *NIX, VMIS andbobsyouruncle, blah blah blah – none of it is perfect. and, if it were up to me, i wouldn’t use anything until such time as the computer responded – CORRECTLY AND THE FIRST EFFIN’ TIME – to voice you might have guessed, it’s NOT up to me, so this is what i make do with:
a copy of Windows XP Pro (for security configs);
Open Office –
Thunderbird –
Code editor – notepad
anything else you add from here will not interfer with either registry or the kernell too much so have at it.
and for pity’s sake, lay off the tea – it will throw off your aim and you’ll end up accidenatlly shooting one of your neighbors again…
Thanks, Doc. I’m a Firefox user already [wouldn’t use that other IE crap]. It’s already part of Linux, as is Open Office. I also use Thunderbird!
Notepad? Textpad!!!
What’s giving me trouble now is installing them on my Remington….
Doc, my teacher (the first one) told me tea was bad for you.
I remember, she said ‘If you drink lots of tea you go yellow!’
Teachers know everything.
Dammit! I thought it was a suntan!
grandad –
on US WIndows PCs, there is ‘notepad’ & ‘wordpad’: notepad is clean and will not insert special chars in your code; wordpad is closer to M$ Word and WILL eff up your code in its own inimitable way…haven’t run across textpad but then i don’t get out much.
“installing them on my Remingtonâ¦.”
these are programs are NOT ammo – standard NATO rounds go in Remmingtons.
grannymar –
i see you made it back from your podcast adventure okay, none the worse for wear.
in grandad’s case i do believe the yellow is
his poor abused livernature’s gentle reminder that temperance is blessed.; ‘ )
My interview with bill Gates,,,,,
Me. Hi, Mr. Gates.
BG. You have been assimilated.
Me. Well I hear alot of good things about your philanthropic foundation…
BG. resistance is useless.
Me. Can you tell me what’s up and coming for Windows?
BG. Resistance is useless.
Me. I see. Can you give us some insight into the anti-trust suits you are involved in?
BG. They will be assimilated.
ME. Righty then. Can you speak about the next version of windows?
BG. Resistance is useless.
Me. Mr. Gates, I never noticed the tubes and wires sticking out of your face before.
BG. You will also be assimilated.
brianf –
but it will be google in the end that borgs us…
I commend you for your perseverance… I would have thought you needed a pint after all that! 😀
Doc – I meant my Remington typewriter.
Linda – Thank you. That is a damn good idea!! 😉
@Doc – Notepad ++ is the dogz for editing code. All the basic-icity of Notepad but with all the colour coding, Save As functionality, HTML Tidy etc. a lad could want.
Nah! textpad. Opens ANY size file [I have often opened 20Mb files!]. All sorts of spell-checkers/snippet libraries/vertical selections/find&replace in multiple files/file comparisons etc etc.
grandad & primal –
thnx – will check out both out as I am in the process of rebuilding my home PC – SWMBO installed something disagreeable the other day and the dang thing has done nothing since but spill, nibbles, bits and bytes all over the desk since…