Zip up your mouth and tie your legs together
I found my brain, and I'm sorry I did.
It had fallen down behind the log basket, if anyone is interested.
Herself came in earlier and switched on Liveline for me to listen to.
Twink was on. Yes. Her of the "zip up your micky" fame.
For the three of you on the planet who haven't heard that one……
Twink is a has-been 'entertainer', who was once part of the Maxi, Dick and Twink trio back in the 60's? 70's? A long time ago anyway.
She is now relegated to pantomime and appearing on the panels of those ghastly 'talent' competitions.
There is a bit of a row going on at the moment, because during a televised competition [which, mercifully I didn’t see] she gave very high marks to some kid on the show. It transpired that she knew the kid, or the kid's mammy or something.
Joe Duffy had her on Liveline. Well, he didn't actually have her, as I'd say he has better taste, but she was on the show, facing the wrath of an angry nation. By God, was she in form! She didn't actually descend to expletives, but she was damn close. She went on about her professional 'integral' [her word, not mine] and how she was the ultimate person to judge talent because she was in the business so long [by my guess, a couple of centuries?].
She roared abuse at anyone who disagreed with her and was generally in fine form. I'd say it was the menopause, but she's much too old for that. Maybe RTE will put up edited highlights? That would be fun.
Crap picture, but the camera doesn't lie.
It was followed by a woman who was complaining that her little boy [9] had his leg tied to another boy's leg for fifteen minutes as a punishment in school.
For f*ck's sake!! What is going on in the world? In my day, we thought we were lucky if we were still alive at the end of the day.
And then she had the neck to bring Little Precious to the doctor to see if he was permanently damaged? If I were the doctor, I would have broken the kid's leg just to show Mammy what a serious injury looked like.
I blame the parents.
Particularly Twink's parents, for having her.
Shane Hegarty has just posted a link to the programme. [But I got the story out first!]
Forget about twink. Whatever happened to Maxi? Wasn’t it Rapid Roulette that she used to present?
She used to be a fine thing as far as I can recall.
Good post… let me know if you get a link to the audio because I didn’t hear it. Ireland has given it’s collective opinion on Twink several times, but RTE still haven’t got the message.
Robert – Ah! Maxi!! I knew her well in my RTE days [unfortunately, not in the Biblical sense though]. Still as fine as ever.
Thanks James. There should be a link up later, or tomorrow. If so, I’ll add it to the post above.
Is it possible they were thinking of Twink when they said that PMS was called PMS because Mad Cow was already taken?
A fella in my class once had to drink a carton of sour milk as punishment. he left it in the window with the sun shining on it. it took him about 2 hours to drink it and that was one of the better punishments
Fek Shane Hegarty- Joe Duffy had her on Liveline. Well, he didnât actually have her. was better.
Oh, and I don’t blame the parents, I blame the mothers and fathers, I do.
Since nobody asked, where is Dick?
Glad the brain is back. Are you sure it is yours and not a tourist one Sandy dragged in?
Now lets be fair > Twink suggested she would know the mother and father of every child likely to appear in a talent show.
What we didnt get was Twink’s errudite sense of classical music . Did’nt she abandon Ireland for the Uk some years bacl – Ireland being too small for such a gargantuan talent such as hers. Then she came back and they rather charitably gave her a spot in panto. But I thought it a bit much for rte to throw 2 brassy harridans back at us in the same show – Graine Seoige and Adell King -aka Twink.
Hers is a study of restraint and decorum . Any child contemplating a life in entertainment should be made listen to this and the previous utterances about her ex husbands .lets just say the organ behind his zip
with a voice that sounds like osama’s beard Twink should do us all a favour and crawl down that manhole – and bring the sassy Seoige with her
Why is rter the last repositary for dead beats. they used to refer to these places as elephants graveyards ; but Im talking here about Twink ; and I feel for elephants.
Shes been in Pantomime when in fact she was the pantomine ; been the mammy in the house when she was the deranged nannie ; and now they take her back to adjuducate on classical musucians . Maybe i’ve been watching all the wrong programmes but Ive never seen her play or even discuss cogently a classical piece. But maybe she considers all the graduates of her school to be classicists > maybe . Just a thought
Go back down the manhole Twink . I’ll have someone weld the lid
Could we put Twink and O Seoige out to grass
They both could do with a year on the high slopes over Maamturk
Holy crap, she’s me with an accent… only nicer.
Twink is both the Shirly Temple and the Dianna Durban of Irish Tv
We should treasure this lady, as we have no Maureen Potter now.
Zip Away I say Twink
Up Twink
Twink is the Ahirly TYemple and Bassey of our time
we should treasure in the national museum; Mummified
Are you sure that’s Twink in your picture and not her out of Absolutely Fabulous:
Maxi is still on air every day – I hear her between 6.30 and 7.00 each morning. She is never as funny as what follows on mornings after the Mahon Tribunal. I think the Mahon Tribunal should have its own programme – hosted by Twink.
Donmacnamara – Make your mind up!
Sue – You serious? There’s a job here for you anytime on RTE.
Ian – Joanna Lumley doesn’t require quite the same quantities of Pollyfilla and concrete before she looks presentable. [I believe Sisk do Twink’s make-up?]
I has to play it both ways as my initial comment was erased .
But Im back now.
Yes the putty faced harridan and the sassy self confident ladette from connemara – Twink and Seoige
And to think I pay a licence to watch these two pretentious self preenng poseurs . It hurts I tell you It hurts
Bring back Gaybo and all that sort of thing dont you know my friends..or Seorse agus Beartly – anything other than this loathsome duet.
she’s back with that other old crone of irish tv ; what a pair twink and linda martin.
twink has developed her plummy accent in order to distance herself from the true personna ; the fishmonger with the witches tongue – see zip up your mickey – u tube
the hillarious play is about the menopause ; these two have long passed that stage – theyre both such dreadful spiteful and talnetless old hags they should be hoisted from the top of the spire for halloween
but that might frighten the horses