Three wheel mobility
When I was around four, I got my first tricycle.
I loved that tricycle. I used to scoot up and down the pavements and even the road, because there weren’t that many cars in those days. It was my first real taste of freedom, and I felt I could cycle to China, if only Ireland weren’t an island.
I felt important too, because my mother used to send me to the shops for things. I would go off on my tricycle up to the shop that was about half a mile away. I was much too shy to go in, but that wasn’t the point.
Imagine my surprise when Nancy in America sent me a tricycle! [I can’t link to her blog because she doesn’t have one which is a terrible pity]. It came in the post last week. It’s a little bigger than the one I had as a child. It has a seat for Herself and a place for Sandy.
We love it, Nancy. Thank you very much.
I used it yesterday when I had to box up IrishFlirtySomething’s blog and move it to it’s new home. It was great!
Herself took a photo of us. She was holding the camera which is why you can’t see her.
Itys a grand we tricycle Grandad but iot doesnt half look hard to peddle
So happy you like my gift. You look good on it.
Himself,Ziggy and I used to ride around on it but the Pennsylvania State Police stopped us and explained that we were not using it correctly.
He said Himself was NOT supposed to be in the box and Ziggy was not properly licensed to operate it. I refused to go in the box so we decided to send it to you. I see you figured it all out a little better than we did.
After looking at your picture I am tempted to ask for it back!
I love the ammo in the background!
Sean – It’s OK. I usually sit in the back seat and let Herself pedal.
Nancy – I think we have it figured out. Thank you ever so much. But you can’t have it back now.
Grannymar – We’ll be dropping in this afternoon… 😉
hilarious – you look very cute on your bike!
Is that comment directed at me or Sandy?
If you ever in the HBG area. Look me up.
I could use a trike too….ya’ know…..and I have a beard of sorts…like
You call that a beard?