Put out your Recycle bin for collection on Fridays
There are times when computers p*ss me off.
When I say ‘times’, I really mean ‘all the time’.
In the evening, I usually bung my computer into Hibernate. That way, I don’t have to go through the painful process of opening each program in the morning.
I fired up my ‘puter this morning, and it did its usual thing of trying to update everything at once. That takes an age because the anti-virus is fighting with Windows, and Windows is fighting with some other program, because they all reckon they have first dibs on my internet connection.
Anyway, the anti-virus won and updated itself. Then it farted at me and told me I needed to reboot.
B*ll*x! I had to frantically check everything to make sure it was saved, before the reboot. And of course that never goes smoothly. Half my programmes insist that they want to complain to Microsoft because they are stuck.
Anyway I rebooted.
As soon as I did, Windows got into the queue and it has started updating itself. Now I know that any second it’s going to demand another reboot. It can f*ck off. I’ve had enough of that for one day.
On another note – I emptied my Recycle bin today. I remember to do this about once every six months. It’s not like my usual bin which is emptied on Tuesdays.
Now, what worries me is that I am throwing away millions upon millions upon millions of bits of information here. Where do they go? Is it into landfill? Is there a huge hole somewhere that is gradually filling up with the contents of peoples recycle bins?
Or is the information actually recycled as its name implies? Am I re-using all those letters and numbers at this very moment? Am I writing with recycled text? What guarantee have I that a rude picture mightn’t decide to recycle itself into the next letter I write to my solicitor?
Now I’m worried again…….
Quit worrying!
If you want something to worry about think of all the rockets Russia has pointed at us or all the starving children in China. That’s what my Mom use to tell me. My Dad use to say, “Oh hush or I’ll give you something to cry about”. Now quit worrying or I’ll give ya’ something to cry about.
The reason I worry about things like this is that it stops me worrying about the really big issues in the world – like where has Herself hidden the frying pan?
It’s being recycled as the name implies.
When talking about Microsoft Windows, there is an old adage about Windows NT 4.0 which goes:
“Your mouse has moved, you must restart Windows for the changes to take effect.”
I think I need a reboot at the moment. My memory is corrupted. Anyone know where my Restart button is?
it all gets recycled into the blogosphere, obviously….
“Half my programmes insist that they want to complain to Microsoft because they are stuck.”
That made me giggle, which is like google but with less porn…
“it all gets recycled into the blogosphere, obviously”
That explains why there is so much rubbish in the blogosphere?
âit all gets recycled into the blogosphere, obviouslyâ?
And it has all landed on my knee!
Grannymar – just put it out for the binmen tomorrow.
How did YOU know my bin man comes tomorrow?
Bill Gates is a Prick.
Don’t worry when you empty your recycle, it only has 0’s and 1’s, and they all go back to Gates.
Grannymar – I’m psychic [as well as psychotic].
Sixty – The problem is that when they go back to Gates, they all have little $ signs in front of them.
Yes, they go back to Gates with BIG dollar signs on them,Grandad.
Then the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation promptly sends millions of those dollars to charities and medical research labs all over the World. They do a lot of good with that money.
They do more good than most Billionaires.