I'm proud to be Irish
You learn something new every day.
Today I learned that I live in a “vile, sodomite country”.
I learned that I live under a “Satanic, fag-inspired criminal law”. I always had my suspicions!
Apparently we “eat each otherâs feces”. I knew the government spouted a lot of shit, but I don’t think I ever ate any of it. Is that where I am going wrong?
We “urinate on each other” [I have seen that going on in Temple Bar after a good stag night, all right]
Best of all, we are all Celtic Fudge-Packers and Irish Rump Rangers. [No mention of Shamrock Rovers?]
I think I have also discovered why it’s raining so much.
You see – God hates Ireland.
Yes. It’s official. He even has his own website – www.godhatesireland.com
We are the chosen ones.
P.S. to Rev. Phelps – we love you too.
P.P.S. Thanks Popeyemoon.
He hates us too!
Woo Hoo!
And the Swedes –
Is there anywhere he doesn’t hate?
Amazing how such a small group of people that they can get so much coverage.
I think they’re great. They hate everyone and everything. I wonder what their take is on Islamic Fundamentalists?
He probably loves Allah’s Chosen Ones. I just imagine that guy, sweating blood as he tries to deliver a sermon:
‘Oh Lordy! Congregation! You are ALL sinners and are destined – DESTINED -for the fiery pits of hell, where I tell you now, Satan will stick flaming pitchforks up your anus for all eternity. Can I get a Hail Jesus?’
Deacon: ‘Hail Jesus!”
You get the picture. The fact is, I can quote contradictory lines from the Bible because the Book itself is ambiguous. This guy is juss a misanthropist.
And the L&H Society are a bunch iof useless wasters anyway.
The Devil put those typos in there!
I listened to the poor sap on his podcast. He really sounds sincere!
How come I haven’t been struck by lightning yet???
Umm…I just returned from hell, and I discovered that the devil is quite fond of us all. 🙂
Could you not get your friend Ron to set up a half decent website for him? Landover Baptist have an excellent site that is exactly the sort of stuff that Fred Phelps preaches:
Jefferson – You mean to say that the devil sells souvenirs? How sinful!
Ian – That is a great site! I have been converted. I have signed up. I have already burned Harry Potter and have sent off for a thong.
I wonder if someone has informed him that an anagram of “Rev Fred Phelps” is “Help,prefers VD”?
Yay for damnation!
Go to LandoverBaptist.org and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on “about”.
It’s a joke! A parody site!
I wonder if god hates Canada as well? Would explian how they got stuck with me
I encountered the very funny Landover Baptist through Betty Bowers, another lady in the Fred Phelps mode 😉
Louis Theroux and Keith Allen (Lily’s dad and Sheriff of Nottingham on the newish Robin Hood show from the BBC) both ran into them. IMO the Keith Allen show was more entertaining because he clearly wasn’t interested in presenting a balanced view. He tore those MFs down.
Hahaha. He’s a riot. I can’t work out why he’s so down on cigarettes!
This “anti-gay” stuff is pure Paisely. The old Paisley, before he became best of mates with Martin McGuinness.
Has anyone else noticed how much David Norris resembles the late Brit actor Terry-Thomas?
Hah! 🙂
You are so lucky, that it is just a podcaster or whaterever. In Poland we have an ultra catholic and nazi radio station (Radio Maryja – Radio Marry) which is in charge of anti-Semitic, anti liberal, anti EU, anti other nations, anti everything nazi propaganda and the boss of that radio – a priest – is an untouchable due to the fact that he is a pupil of our Terrible Twins.
He is still in power, due to the almost all old people are listening and praying to the radio.
No matter facts that he called our president’s wife to be a witch and our president to be under influences of damn Jews.
And you know what? 🙂 Jesus wasn’t a Jew, he was Polish 🙂 Every old lady in church in Poland will tell you something like that.
Half of the Polish Catholic Church (I mean Roman Catholic, but it is national Polish), reminds very orthodoxic and closed minded protestant pastors who are seeing devil in almost everything.
Am I proud to be Polish?
Sean – I’m very sorry you feel left out. Maybe you could write to the Rev and ask him to set up godhatescanada.com?
Ian – will you stop putting those links in. You are making my sides hurt.
Baino – What would he do if he had a vision of God, and God was smoking a Benson & Hedges?
Henry – He puts Paisley in the shade. I hate to say that, but he makes Rev Ian sound like a pussy.
MacKozer – Why don’t you just switch it off? Anyway, everyone knows Jesus was Irish.
I’m off now to write a new website – godhatesphelps.com. He seems to have missed that one out.
Bugger! Someone got there before me
Woops! I said “bugger”. Now there’ll be a godhatesgrandad.com
Good news I don’t have to ask Phelps to hate Canada.
He already does!!
Sean, you don’t know how happy I am for you. I know you felt left out.
Welcome to the club. 🙂
God’s great eh? What with all the hate and messing about with the weather and plagues you wonder if he has anytime for himself.