Sackcloth and ashes
This is by way of an apology.
In particular, it’s an apology to Going Like Sixty.
Now, Mr Sixty [or can I be informal and call you Going?] has written a lot of extremely flattering things about me. I don’t know why. He has a great blog going for Boomers [are these people who keep blowing things up? That would explain his interest in me, I suppose].
Recently he wrote about his Favourite Funny People, and I am in there with some very exalted company. I am sharing the stage with the likes of Richard Pryor, Bob Newhart and Robin Williams [Robin and I are going to have a laugh over this next time we meet for a pint].
Now I find this too flattering. I was so shocked when I read it, that I couldn’t think of a comment to post. I meant to, as it’s only polite. But I couldn’t think of anything to say that was humble enough.
And then he wrote another article called Blogging is a Conversation. Again he says some extremely flattering things. Again I am at a loss for words.
I don’t know why he chooses me? I don’t think I’m funny. Strange – yes. Weird – yes. Insane -more than likely. Funny? People avoid me at parties, because I’m so dull.
The thing that pricked my conscience though was that in the latter article he says
“The comments are worth checking everyday – sometimes more than once, because thatâs where the fun is, for me at least.”
And I feel bad, because I rarely comment on his site. But he comments on mine. And that is extremely unfair.
So I am sorry. I am rotten at comments. I never know what to say. It’s a natural flaw in my character.
I have to make some kind of penance.
I could wear a cilice?
So. For the rest of the week, I promise to give drivers correct directions, and not send them up to the bogs, no matter how painful it is. I promise to keep my weapons holstered when I see a tourist. And when I see someone with sunglasses on the top of their head, I will look the other way.
Only until the end of the week, mind.
Something’s not right. You OK Grandad? Is this the real Grandad?
How come you have my jewellery?
No. We apologise for this temporary interruption in service. We are adjusting the medication. Normal service will be resumed shortly.
Hey Grannymar! I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing? Sadomasochism? Wow!! Whoever would have guessed…..
You may call me Sixty.
I shall be the judge of that…
I think you need to read and comment here:
You don’t owe me anything except more of what you’ve been doing!
Whew, Grandad you had me going there for a sec until I read your comments, those damn meds.
Hiya Sixty [or shall I be modern and abbreviate it to 60?].
Thanks for the forgiveness. I am humbled.
I tend to avoid nuns since I was taught by them as a five year old. I have have a pathological fear of nuns and penguins ever since.
I think the medication is OK now. I was slightly overdoing the morphine balance on the drip.
I follow people’s comments on blogs that I like to find out if I like that blog too. Mark has “outed” you and brought redneck riff raff like me into your domain. Deal with it! 🙂
Oh my God! I’ve been outed! [I always wondered what that would feel like].
Welcome Micki. I am well used to redneck riff raff around here…
Hey, I represent that remark!
Whisper his name, and up he pops!