Weird and wonderful pipes
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my beloved Ronson pipe, and my quest for a new bowl for it.
It was one of my first pipes, so I’ve had it for about 35 years.
I liked it because it filtered out the goo and the tobacco didn’t end up all soggy in the bottom of the bowl.
I got in touch with a Belgian who has his own business making pipes. He sent me a bowl. It worked, but the thread was a bit loose, so it leaked a bit.
Elie, who runs the business is, by all appearances a very nice person, and was very apologetic about the leak.
I took the bull by the horns, and placed an order for a new pipe, that has a plumbing system sort of on the lines of the Ronson. It arrived a couple of days ago. I opened the box, not knowing quite what to expect and found not only my new pipe, but a spare bowl, pipe cleaners, another spare for my Ronson, and a pipe lighter!
My new pipe has a weird but very effective system. It has filters and traps and condensers and God knows what else. And at the end of a pipe-full, I remove the bowl and there is all the sh*t that I had been smoking previously.
Elie has a great website – Elie’s Freehand Pipes [I like nicely designed websites], and has a great range of very strange and wonderful designs.
I think I’ll save up and buy myself one of these…
Or maybe one of these…
That is rather excellent. I hope you enjoy your new pipe.
It is at time like these that the internet really comes in to its own.
Thank you Robert.
I’m having a nice puff as I type [and if anyone reads anything smutty into that, I’ll set Tiddles on ya].
I doubt I would have found them in the Golden Pages all right. And they don’t advertise here. So the Internet is, indeed a wonderful place.
*bless* Stick with the original I think. The other examples could see you accused of assault with a deadly weapon!
It sure is nice to find someone like Elie in business when norm has become so different.
Elie is an artist! I love the shapes and quirkiness. The only problem is that I’d feel like I had just stepped out of “The Lord of the Rings”!!
He’s extremely efficient and friendly too. I had been bombarding him with questions and he is always tolerant and quick to reply. He’s going to get more of my trade anyway.
And I always believe that if I find something special on the Web that I should give them a plug. Pun intended.
Hi everyone !
Thank you very much for the kind words, especially you, Grandad.
Take care !
Hi Elie !
Kind words go where kind words are due.
Isn’t it always nice to get good customer service these days. It is becoming so unusual in these take it or leave it times.
I almost wish I was a pipe smoker!
Dear sir
talking of the Ronson pipe,I have saved in my collection two examples of this pipe both brand new unsmoked and one spare bowl,any takers??Â
I've just found your post and wonder if you still have the pipes as I would be interested.
Kind regards, Ian.
Try the website mentioned in the article!