What would they know anyway
We were sitting by the fire last night.
It was very cosy. There was a strong wind outside, so the coal fire was smoking badly which is does when the wind is from a certain direction, but we were warm and contented.
I was trying to read a book between the coughing and sneezing, and I could see Herself through the blue haze reading a magazine.
“There’s a questionnaire here” says Herself. “It tests to see how absent minded you are”
So she started firing questions at me.
You know the kind of thing – “Do you ever repeat a joke or story to the same person” [yes] or “Do you lose items around the house” [yes].
There were twelve questions in all. I asked her how I rated.
“I reckon you scored more that 16” says Herself.
“There weren’t 16 questions” says I.
“No” says Herself “there are only twelve. That’s strange”
It turned out there was a scoring system but she had absent-mindedly missed that.
So she tried working out my score but got confused.
“How many did you answer Yes to?” she asked.
“I’ve forgotten. I can’t remember the questions.”
So she tried asking them again, but we got confused with the scoring system. So we dropped it.
She went back to her magazine and I went back to my book and the smoke went back to filling the room.
We don’t need some damned magazine trying to tell us our minds are getting old. We know our brains are as sharp as ever.
Thats real love, gazing at each other through the smoke! Splutter, splutter cough!
I wouldn’t say “gazing”. She was just a dim shape through the haze. I love an open fire….
I love the open fire too. Somehow I never feel alone when the logs are crackling away and the flames dance.
I miss real fires. You know they hardly have any of them in Scotland? It’s all oil and gas. You can’t beat dozing in front of a fire while your socks go a pleasant shade of brown from the heat.
I’m 18, and already I’m developing what seems to be a permanently absent mind.
I regularly go out to the garage or upstairs and cannot remember for the life of me why I’m there.
It gets vaguely annoying sometimes, especially when I can’t remember where I put the keys to the house.
The trouble is that Herself loves the open fires so much we have to have them whatever the temperature.
As for absent-mindedness 🙁
It gets worse!! But you learn to life with it. Until you get to the stage when you forget that you are absent minded…
I’m sure that’s a hazy, yet happy, place. I look forward to it.
Don’t wish your life away Dario. But it is a nice place 🙂