My Web Company is growing already
Well, my web design company seems to be going from strength to strength.
I have already had a lot of interest, and one firm contract.
Now Blacknight seem to be showing an interest. They want to buy me a domain name. That seems fair enough. I’ll need one.
I’m in with the Big Boys! And I’m only in business two days.
To Michele: Thank you for your interest. I would like a domain name please. If you could let me know how much it is I will post a cheque. You can post me back the domain name and I’ll stick it on my laptop, so people know where to find my site.
It’s only fair that I do business with Michele, because I know Ron who works for Dick who knows Michele. Conversely, I know the prospective-mother-in-law of one of his employees. So either way, that should be a good enough reference.
In the meantime, I have been pursuing my quest to learn Java or Javascript or whatever it’s called. I pestered Ron all yesterday to give me a lesson. He was a bit frazzled because he was trying to write out a tender for a big contract [I’ll be doing that a lot soon..!!].
In the end I think he got a bit annoyed, but he gave me some code to try.
I put it on a page but it does strange things.
Maybe there is someone out there who can help me. Ron says that web designers are great for helping each other out. Maybe there is a forum I could join?
Have a look at this site: and then maybe you’ll be able to understand why Ron’s code is doing strange things.
Great. Thanks Pete.
Ron is an evil, evil man!! 😉
He’s not that bad is he? What has he ever done to you?
Great news about the web design company Grandad.
Now with regard to a reference, well if you scratch my back…
What I really want is a toy boy to scratch it. So if you could advise me we might get places 😉
For heavens sake keep this under your hat as I would hate Elly to find out.
I would love to scratch your back Grannymar. Herself might have something to say though.
With regard to being a toyboy, I think there is a problem with age. You have a daughter who is about to get married. I have a five year old grandson. You would end up being my toygirl?
How about my daughter’s boyfriend? If you don’t mind his biker friends camping in the back garden too?
And of course this is just between the two of us. Not a whisper to Elly.
Yes, yes, yes!
Oh no! This is all too much for me,
I need the spray again
No. You won’t need the spray. They come with a large supply of “herbal remedies”.
Is this the same sort of herbal remedies that Nelly uses in her brownies???
Woops, Elly. You left out the link so I can’t confirm that.
They are the same kind referred to in an earlier post