
Time and tide wait for no man — 8 Comments

  1. I am sure the coming Monday must be a special day in your calendar. Pop over the border and have yourself a holiday.

  2. Filthy – Care home?  How very dare you.  I’m nipping over to Switzerland before I get to that stage.

    Mick – What extra zero?  Am I ten times older than I think I am?

    TT – I might nip up and beta a few Lambeg Drummers all right.  It depends on the weather.

  3. “Tempes fugit”, said the monkey as he threw the clock out the window.
    From the militant wing of the Cap’ns family that one… still have no idea what it means. I know what the Latin bit means but its the Irish in it that has me worried.

  4. It seems as if my “time machine” is stuck in the mid 20th Century where Father Knows Best (not the Catholic priests) and Leave It To Beaver (all three of them: the animal, the kid in the show and the smile above the trout) are all a good thing.  If at all possible I would love to join you for a pint of the black at the turn of the millennium party that we could have in December!

  5. Ian – Do towns close?  Yes, I suppose they do.

    Cap’n – Don’t worry about the Irish bit.  It means feiceál.

    John – You are more than welcome to join me for a pint.  It should be quite a party?

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