Caught in the headlights
I had a bit of a rough night the night before last. Maybe it was just old age or maybe it was a bad pint, but I didnât sleep very well.
Last night I made up for it. I had a great sleep with beautiful dreams where sunny beaches, Sharon Ni Bheolain and bikinis featured prominently. It was good, and I didnât wake âtil late in the morning.
I was just contemplating putting my clothes on, when the phone rang.
I managed to answer it, which was quite an accomplishment, as essentially I was still asleep. It was TippFM wanting to know if I would do a live interview for their morning programme. What was worse, they wanted to do it there and then. Fuck!
I am a bit like a steam locomotive. I need to have my fires lit and I need to build up a head of steam before I venture onto the track. So here I was, bollock naked, without my morning pipe full and no mug of tea and worst of all, a head that was still on a tropical island.
They said they would phone back in a couple of minutes, so I frantically put on the kettle and hunted for my pipe. Too late. The phone rang, and I was on air.
It was a disaster!
The poor chap in the studio did his best to wake me up, but it was a lost cause. There I was, stark naked in full view of the entire county of Tipperary and I couldnât think. There were lots of emms, and errs, and my mouth was dry from lack of tea, and a mind as blank as Mary Harneyâs.
He asked me questions and I struggled for answers as my dangly bits swayed gently in the breeze.
He gave up in the end. I canât say I blame him. Thatâs probably the end of his career.
I finally got dressed, made my tea and lit the pipe. Iâm now awake and wondering if it all really happened.
I donât remember what I said as itâs all a bit of a blur. Did I let rip with a few fucks and cunts? Did I mention anyone by name? Can I expect some angry litigation?
Did I really stand naked in front of an entire county?
Ha, that’s the funniest thing. I wonder will they add it to their website podcasts?
Would love to hear the pearls…!
.-= mick´s last brainfart .. Global Irish Network =-.
I very much doubt that interview will see the light of day again. Unless they have a death wish? Or maybe they were recording it for training purposes?Â
Good Grief Grandad ….. Too much information!!!!
.-= Kate´s last brainfart .. Electric Shocks!!! =-.
I just hope it wasn’t too much for the good citizens of Tipperary. [It’s a long way to there. Did you know?]
Oh drat – you’ve got me singing it now!!!
.-= Kate´s last brainfart .. Electric Shocks!!! =-.
Hah! Gotya.Â
“…in full view of the entire county of Tipperary…” On a phone interview for an FM radio station??
Yeah, I guess your head was still in the tropics.
.-= Kirk M´s last brainfart .. Weather Lucky =-.