Guess where i was yesterday…. ?
Yes, another hospital appointment.
This was the day I was to have pins drilled into my skull, until they decided that I needed a “pre-op” to assess my abilities to survive. So yesterday was my pre-op instead.
The day started badly. It’s a nightmare of a hospital to get to and very difficult to predict traveling times. The previous visit, I had allowed well over an hour to get there but was still half an hour late. So yesterday I allowed tons of time and as a result got there three quarters of an hour early. Bugger! So I sat in the car and sparked up the pipe to while away the time.
Eventually I decided to take the plunge. I stood by the car and memorised my surroundings as it’s the best car park I know of for losing your vehicle.
Of course I had to ask for directions to Pre Assessment [as they call themselves]. I followed the directions and got lost.
I eventually found the right place and had the mandatory long wait on a hard plastic chair.
The nurse eventually called my name. A lovely lady I must say, very pleasant and chatty. We went through a long list of questions and then she announced that I was to have a blood test and an ECG. These of course where in different areas but Nurse gave me a printed set of instructions on how to find them.
I set off for the blood test [my second in three days] following the directions provided and got lost.
I eventually found the blood merchants more by luck than anything. I gave them some of my precious O Neg.
I then set off, still following instructions to have my ECG. I got lost.
By annoying a lot of people I eventually found ECG. I was then graced with a fistful of sticky nipples and my heart was read. Grand.
Now to find my way back to Pre Assessment. I got lost.
By sheer chance I found the place again and had another chat with Nurse. One thing she seemed definite about was that my op had been changed from out-patient to in-patient. Fuck! The joys of hospitals beds again! Nurse then announced that I was looking a little peaky and that she would arrange a little snack for me before I leave. Sure enough I was ushered into another room and was presented with a tray with a pot of tea and a load of biscuits. It was actually nice tea,
Then I had to find my way back to the car park. I got lost.
At this point I had aged about twenty years and was thoroughly pissed off. I had to keep finding seats so I could have a bit of a rest. I must have clocked up miles that day.
Eventually I found the car park. Do you think I could find my car? Not a chance. So much for my memorising. So had to revert to playing key-fob again.
On the way home I stopped off for a visit to the coffee shop to steady my nerves. While I was there, daughter texted me. “Happy Anniversary” says she. “Anniversary of what?” I replied. The instant I sent it I remembered- it was our wedding anniversary. 49 years of mutual tolerance and marital bliss. Luckily Herself had forgotten too.
So now Daughter has a whole year to save up for the next one.
I expect 24 carat gold at the very least.