
Bonfire of the inanities — 11 Comments

  1. Yep, there are still lots of trampolines down here covering up the illegal burning patch in the back gardens. You can burn a human body in the stove but woe betide you if you burn a few weeds outside. Cork County Council used to charter a helicopter once a week to check for scorch marks in the ground. New meaning for the phrase 'carbon footprint'.

    • Heh!  I actually have an idea – there is an area under a huge tree that would be ideal for burning [any helicopter or busybody would just see a smoking tree], but I have yet to find a way to prevent the whole fucking tree going up.  Maybe if I spray it with fire retardant first?

    • insanity

      Priority A: Meet the changing information, advice, advocacy and budgeting needs of citizens, particularly of marginalised and vulnerable groups and individuals – by connecting and responding.

      Priority B: Implement consistent, high quality service by CIB and our delivery partners – by providing services to a high standard.

      Priority C: Work to develop and implement an integrated service delivery model that puts the citizen at the centre – by organising to deliver.

      Priority D: Lead the design and implementation of creative and flexible responses to meet emerging demands for information, advice, advocacy and budgeting support – by creating and adding value.

      Priority E: Measure the efficiency and effectiveness of our service delivery approach – by demonstrating outcomes through feedback from users.

      • Just another qango to make the drones feel informed about all the things that rule and regulate them.  It's nice to know that my taxes are going towards keeping me up to date on how I'm being taxed?

  2. In the USA the EPA has threatened to prosecute  people who burn wood. They have already banned the sale of 80% of the wood stoves made in the USA as they do not meet environmental "requirements". 

    • As far as I know, our gubmint gives grants for people to buy wood burning boilers.  Crazy?

  3. Way too many rules as far as I'm  concerned. But the the title of the post was rather excellent.

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