Yet another mRNA conspiracy
I try not to witter too much about health.
Listening to other people’s health problems is nearly as bad as having to hear, in great detail, the dream they had last night.
I have however mentioned my nose problem a few times. The reason I mention it is because it is so strange. I was down with Doc yesterday and he is as baffled as I am. It’s an infection that started sometime last year and has been rampaging ever since. I have had ointments [two of them] and three courses of strong antibiotics. I have started a fourth course today and am also to apply another ointment once the pharmacy gets it in stock.
It started as an irritation in my right nostril and the only real problem was that it made my nose incredibly sensitive to touch. It then spread to my left nostril and then really got to work. I now have what looks like a large blister inside the nostril which is incredibly sensitive. The nose is constantly stinging and sometimes just blocks up with snot and other times it runs like firehose. After all these months I am sick and tired of it and just want my old nose back.
I am normally healthy enough. Sickness for me was a simply an excuse I used to take a well earned rest from work. For the last twenty or so years I have been grand apart from the usual problems with rust, loose bearings and the usual stuff that happens as one ages. The only health problem I had was a dose of Shingles that was a right bugger and led to a lifelong condition [Postherpetic Neuralgia] which is bloody irritating but I have learned to live with it. That all happened just after I got my mRNA vaccine. It has since transpired that this is a common problem with that vaccine.
Yesterday Herself pondered aloud if my nose problem was a result of the jab. I dismissed that theory as it’s a few years since I got the needle. But then I got thinking. Maybe she’s right? It happens sometimes. I tried to take a dispassionate look at it. An infection that I have never had before suddenly appears and is apparently immune to antibiotics. It also seems intent on carrying on without disappearing as most infections do in time.
Could it be that my body’s defense system has failed or is in some way compromised? That mRNA shit plays around with my little army of defenders?
So is she right? Is there a connection?
Or is that another conspiracy in the making?
I have the same issue two or three times a year. When it gets to the point where I can’t touch my nose without it pitching a mini fit my wife is kind enough to go exploring in the cavern and it turns out to be an ingrown hair. easily removed with tweezers.
I did think of that but having painfully plucked out all nostril hairs I decided it wasn’t that, Anyway that wouldn’t explain the transition form one nostril to the other?
My hooter has been doing a similar song and dance since January, and it reminds me of the days when as an adolescent, those really nasty septic spots used to be the bane of my life!
It seems to be going now, with a bit of vaseline or Savlon poked up each side, but it’s all a new one on me, and as I was vaxxed, you may have uncovered yet another side-effect!
Another side-effect is being totally pissed off with Sunak.
My theory is that the vaccine just fucks up the body’s own defenses so any kind of infection is going to run rampant, I have never had an infection like this before….
Every medication is, in effect, a foreign substance being introduced into the body, so it’s hardly surprising that the body’s sophisticated defence mechanisms may object. Most medication is subjected to prolonged and wide-ranging tests before being used. Most medication does indeed have side-effects, but a value-judgement is taken that these negatives are far outweighed by their therapeutic benefits.
The various Covid jabs, launched in something of an irrational panic, had none of that luxury, so a considerable amount of trust and crossed-fingers or blind faith applied.
In time, we must hope that irrefutable evidence will emerge either to clear those jabs of any significant damage to their recipients or to confirm the range and severity of any side-effects. Those who expect the latter result are currently considered to be conspiracy theorists.
The drug companies insisted on signing an indemnification before supplying the vaccine. That in itself was a huge warning sign. They knew damn well that there could be problems and were just covering themselves against a class action. Maybe all victims should get together and bring a class action against their governments and health departments?
Ha! So my suspicions are right. That damned vaccine is going to haunt us.
Take a look at colloidal silver spray & colloidal silver in general. It sounds like you have a recurring bacterial infection & yes some of the COVID jabs have knackered people’s immune systems.
I had 12 years of remission from cancer then it came and developed very quickly. Only option was immunotherapy which I declined due to the often terrible side effects at my age so it is now considered terminal. I only had the AZ vaccinations and it was a year later the cancer returned. By then I refused the mRNA jabs as I became suspicious about it, I considered it bad luck but now I wonder, there are so many cases of unexpected illness and death especially in young people who knows whatâs going on.
Incidentally I have stopped getting notifications of a new post again.
There is a growing body of evidence [based on fact, not theory] that there are indeed serious side effects. they seem to vary widely but all seem to point to the same cause – a disruption of the body’s natural defenses. So much for their miracle fix!
Should anyone have expected any different? Compared to any other new drug introduced to the market this was done at light speed. Along with all the proper “we are not responsible for any unexpected side effects here folks.
I wonder how many of those drug execs lined up for the jab.