Bad associations
The television is forever telling me that I lead a hectic and/or busy lifestyle.
Yesterday therefore I thought I should do something other than sitting on my arse. A trip to the village was called for.
I put on my shoes. This perked up Penny who of course was watching me. Next I put on a jumper and coat. This got Penny quite excited. Finally I put on her harness. At this stage she was rearing to go. Out we went into the garden and around to the car. Except that Penny didn’t. She remained at the back door. I went back to coax her but she just demanded to go back into the house. She flatly refused to be shifted, so I let her back in.
I went on down the the village on my own. I did the round of various shops and eventually ended up in the coffee shop.
I walked in and there was an immediate rush by the staff to greet Penny. Except of course she wasn’t there. It must be years since I last was in that shop without the dog. It had occurred to me that the reason for Penny’s reluctance to come down to the village was that the previous couple of times she had been in the car she had ended up in the vet’s place and getting her legs shaved and needles poked into her. Bad association. Not going there.
Anyhows I had my coffee and a grand chat out on the terrace. There was a nip in the breeze but it was nice and sunny. It was a bit strange though not to have the dog by my side.
I went in to pay and a paper bag was thrust into my hand – chicken pieces for Penny!
I went home and sat with Herself enjoying some fresh raspberry scones while Penny enjoyed her chicken.
The phone rang. It was the vet. They had sent off a sample of Penny’s lump to be analysed and had had the results back. Whatever the lump was, it was benign. They had removed it all anyway and were delighted at their end. I said we were delighted at our end too. Good news.
The problem now is how to get Penny to trust the car again. It’s not going to be easy.
Especially as tomorrow I have to drive her over to the vet’s again to get her stitches removed.
A trail of tiny chicken bits to the car and a big bit in the car.
Repeated, closing car door, starting engine etc.
Softlee, softlee, catchee monkee.
Am I even allowed to say that?