The Final Solution
good evening,
Howareya Supershadow!
I wish to refer to your post ‘nailing the cat’
Yup. I remember that one. So does the cat every time he gets a boot up the arse.
Its now on record that animals are turning against humans because of Climate Change.
Indeed? This is the first I have heard of it. Do the animals leave a note beside their victims explaining their cause?
Has it even occured to you that your cat instinctively knows you are a denier you foolish man? These animals are not as stupid as you think they are. Its now a Global problem with stories of bears and wolf attacking humans.
Cat instinctively knows a lot of things, like where his food is, where the cosiest place in the house is and to avoid my boot, but I don’t think he is too bothered about the climate. And I can safely say he is fairly stupid. He still hasn’t worked out that you can see through glass but you can’t walk through it.
On the 4th of November, Jedi,Social justice enablers and climate change activists will scream at the sky in protest at Trumps presidency. I no longer want to stay in a safe place as the time for fighting has come.
We want people the world over to join this protest.
Is there a time to do this or do we start just after midnight and scream for 24 hours?
And I almost feel sorry for Trump. Apparently he is now the root cause of every problem on the face of the planet?
If people in every town village were to scream at the sky in unison maybe trump will get the message hes not wanted. Its also an opportunity for you Grandad, to make your Grandchildren proud, to make the world a better place for them.
That’s a heck of a lot of screaming! I must remember to stick my head outside on the 4th and listen to the silence…..
Members of the council are even having a star wars marathon in protest at this misogynist.
We will watch all 8 star wars films back to back for 3 days.
Wow! Three blokes sitting in a room for three days endlessly watching films that they have seen before? Trump will shit himself!
You may call it mere symbology but remember the effects of John Lennons ‘Bed in’ is still having an effect today after all these years.
Symbology is not a word that springs to mind. Insanity? Whack-jobs? Padded cells? Not symbology though.
Under a jedi republic my Nieces and nephews and your Grandchildren will never have to worry about being offended or cause offence to others. Every object, idea, phrase or word that can cause offence will be removed.
Of course the whole Meaning of Life is to be not offended. We can’t have people thinking that they aren’t individually the most precious thing ever conceived?
No one will wear dinner jackets as this could offend the underfed. Things like shaving would be banned as the unshaven could offend those with beards who cannot afford shaving gear.
I could live with that. Beards are grand and I don’t have a dinner jacket. Is an anorak allowed?
Of course its reasonable to assume it would be impossible to ban every situation. Perhaps grandad the only way to avoid receiving or giving offence is simply not to allow people to get out of bed in the morning. Crazy as it sounds the jedi would enforce this if it meant balancing the force. People have been put into induced comas for years.
You may have a point there. After all, language in itself is discriminatory in that it discriminates against people who don’t speak it. And what about the deaf and dumb? They must find language very offensive?
You’re right. Just put everyone in a coma. But that might offend insomniacs? Better just kill everyone? Crazy? Of course not!
The road to success is always under construction.
If that road is anything like the roads in Ireland then not only will it never be completed but it’s already riddled with cracks and potholes.
Trump Creates fear and fear is that which prevents a Jedi from accomplishing their duty. If we cant beat him we will arrange to have him beaten.
Whoa there Supershadow! Are you inciting violence against Our Great and Glorious Leader of the Free World? Tut, tut! I thought you lot were beyond that?
Some day it will be illegal not to be a star wars fan Grandad.
It’s funny, but that wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Keep the faith, Supershadow. Write again soon. It’s always a pleasure getting your mails.
(Supershadow is George Lucas’s only true friend)
[my heart goes out to George Lucas]
If Supershadow were a jedi, he would have had aeons to learn English grammar. His persistent errors of punctuation can only lead the world to conclude that he is an impostor!
That’s a deliberate policy to avoid offending the illiterate.
Try watching the Star Wars series fifteen times backwards. You will then be enlightened and elevated to the level of Jedi.
From that can we deduce that SS has not reproduced – no mention of his own progeny? Â If so we can be truly thankful for small blessings or in his case no “small blessings”!
I noticed that. 😉
I still like him. He is consistently inconsistent should such a thing be possible.
Is his shadow like Peter Pan’s? Or is it super in some other, equally mystical way?
He’s good amusement value – a harmless crackpot (unlike some malevolent nutters out there).
Ah, you old Celtic bugger (though not as old as this old Celtic bugger); you have me thinking about Supershadow, and I can’t help but think he might be your ‘alter ego’. Obviously you’ll deny it; but as one Celt to another….(the other side of the little pond)…
I think Grandad is more a Viking than a Celt!
I’ll forward on all his emails if you like? 😀
Ah yes, the ‘bed in’. I remember that, it was the moment where (at the Grand Old Age of eleven) I decided John Lennon was a twat; and nothing happened subsequently to dislodge that conclusion.
This lad needs to be sat down and taught to drink and smoke, like all heroes since time immemorial…
Barking Mangler Trenchant, Knight of the Black Pint.
Knight of the Black Pint? Not a chance.
Yes I am, I appointed me… 🙂
Since human beings are the only animal on this planet that “takes offense”, remove the human beings. Done. The other animals on the planet would probably approve.
And it’s a bit strange–I thought that bears and wolves always had a tendency to attack humans?
This whole ‘scream at the sky’ thing will have but one effect; being pointed and laughed at.