Anna Raccoon – The Archives
As you may know, I have been busy of late.
I have an unfortunate habit, that when I get involved in a project I tend to go at it hammer and tongs to the exclusion of all else, until I have something to show for my efforts. I have been somewhat slack for example in replying to comments on older posts. Sorry………..
Anyhows, that time has now arrived and I give you, Ladies and Gentlemen……. [* long drum roll*]
The Anna Raccoon Archives
Now there are a few things to note:
A lot of the links may be broken, particularly those that reference other posts.
Comments are closed on all posts. The comments [those that have been retrieved] are set in stone as part of the post, so any “Reply” links or whatever will not work.
One aspect which was too difficult to transcribe was the Categories. As such, there ain’t no categories any more!
I didn’t realise how many authors there were on the site [56 in total!] and I have included all their posts. If any author wishes to have their posts removed, just let “The Archivist” know.
If you do have any material to contribute, check first that it isn’t already on the site.
And so the work continues. Material will be added over the coming days, weeks and who knows how long! There are still some tweaks to be made to the site too.
In the meantime…
It was a bit inconsiderate of Sue not to hold on for another week to be able to see that which you have wrought for her . She’d have been well chuffed and I’m sure G will be too. Well played that man, well played!
Good, good work sir.
Well done.
It’s sad that we will have no new Anna Raccoon writings but it would be just as sad to lose what we already had.
Thank you.
Wow! Â Thanks very much for your sterling work. Â It would’ve been beyond tragic to lose all Ms Raccoon’s posts. Â So pleased to have them preserved.
Possibly the most valuable act undertaken on the Interweb all year. Commendations, Sir.
This archive should allow future generations of readers the chance to understand why we all valued Anna’s presence, principles and contributions so highly and will miss so greatly.
Wonderful news, you have all worked so hard to preserve all ARs great blog. Thank you so much.
Good stuff, GD. I’ll replace her ‘Blog’ link with this one later on.
I just took a peep at the site, and it’s a masterwork! Clean, easy to navigate and comprehensive. As BD says: “Well played, that man. Well played!”
The “easy to navigate” bit was of prime importance. Unlike an ordinary “blog” the site had to make all posts equally accessible, instead of just the latest one.
Thanks everyone. It was/is/will be a labour of great respect and friendship. I consider it an honour to work on it.
Thanks is also due to The Blocked Dwarf who is The Grand Wizard in charge of co-ordinating everything [and providing sage advice].
Thanks to both of you, GD & BD!
You do realise the ‘calendar’ box knows no 2014 ?
That’s because there aren’t any posts [yet] for that year. One of the reasons I picked that display was that it is “intelligent”. The standard calendar just starts at the current day/month and you’d have to work back through every month.
Don’t know if I hold with calendars thinking for themselves…I’ll say just one word; “Skynet”. First calendars get a mind of their own and then they decide to rename things… ‘Stardate 0000.000000101010’
I bet you wrapped your PC in tin foil at the end of 1999! 😉
Nope, didn’t even have a PC back then. Was King Of The One Handed SMS though…useful trick cos I actually spent Y2k Night at ‘work’ as a Sec-man for a Japanese firm of game console makers. Meant I spent all night playing ‘Zelda and The Ocarina Of Time’ or watching vintage German porn on VHS (HAH! I see your online IDSN Porn and raise you “Silke Does Cologne” on a Y2K proof ‘Record and not fade away’ machine).
I think I’ve got the 2014 stuff (see wget info on reply to prev).
Woo hooo – bless you GD & Mr Dwarf – ain’t (some of at least) the interwebs wonderful?
Did some hackers actually destroy her site?
No. She deleted it herself, and then sincerely regretted it after.
Thanks for that. I was wondering what happened to it.
Oh well done! And thank you.
Let me join the crowd in praising your efforts, the resultant archive is better than I dare hoped.
As a further source of potential Raccoon articles I refer you to the article of 15 Aug 2012 by Gildas noting “ownership” of the blog having passed to Matt Wardman and SadButMadLad. Perhaps those two contributors have some older files.
*applauds riotously*
Wonderful! Thank you for putting in so much effort and organising it so well – and for preserving the comments; even the puns and limericks have made it. That’s my reading sorted for the long winter evenings ahead…
I downloaded a selection of posts mostly more recent about 20mb all in. I don’t have time to sort them but can email them compressed if you are interested
Everything is welcome, though there is a very large backlog to go through yet. I just backed up the workspace where I am doing all the collecting and processing – 9Gb and growing!