
There is no safe level of research — 10 Comments

  1. If “those who enjoy the occasional cigarette in social situations are risking their health just as much as the person who smokes a pack or more a day” have the same “blood pressure and cholesterol levels of people who self-identify as current versus social smokers” – might the cause of the blood pressure and cholesterol levels maybe, just maybe be something completely different than how much you’ve smoked?

    Just a hint?

    Let’s say it like this: If you clap your hands and in the exact same moment the lights go off, then it doesn’t necessarily mean you found your magic abilities to switch off the lights by hand-clapping. It might simply have been coincidence.

    Happened to a friend of mine once, btw – he clapped, and the lights in a whole factory went dark. He wasn’t stupid enough though to believe he had caused it.


    • If your friend had been cute enough, he would have published a “scientific study” that showed a conclusive link between hand clapping and power failures.  Studies have shown … etc.  Of course further studies would be necessary and all that claptrap.  He would have been made for life.

      • Yep, and me too, as his assistant or whatever.

        Oh, we were so young then, and so stupid. Luckily. 😉

  2. Stress affects blood pressure. I know this because I once wore a blood pressure monitor and the only times that my BP went to a dangerous level was when I was stressing out. When asleep my BP was normal. At the time I had been smoking for 38 years which to me means that smoking is not the cause of my BP problems.
    Does this “research” take stress and anxiety levels of the subjects into consideration?

    • Does this “research” take stress and anxiety levels of the subjects into consideration?”  Of course not.  That would only confuse the figures and definitely wouldn’t have produced the desired results.

      Stress is a major factor in longevity [ask any doctor], so adding more stress [forcing people to quit against their will] and removing a stress relieving device [tobacco] is going to have an adverse effect on a person’s expected lifespan.  More unintended consequences.

  3. I go to the pub to drink beer and socialise; some of my mates are smokers; some are not; but the law dictates that the smokers have to be outside if they want to indulge.  So be it.  We very often form a large group outside the pub, regardless of the weather, having a great time drinking and socialising with each other and occasionally getting complained about by local residents who hate it when other people are having a good time.  Whatever.  I actually enjoy having a pint and a laugh with friends in the outdoors, wrapped up against the weather if necessary.  It’s added a new dimension to my social life which I enjoy.

    • One of the unintended consequences of the smoking ban was to force smokers to congregate outdoors.  As they all have a common bond it is a natural for them to socialise together.  I have found that it is almost impossible to have a smoke outside without getting into a chat with a fellow “exile”.  Many have also remarked that the crowd outside the pub seems to be having a better time than the crowd inside!

      For those who don’t like seeing smokers outside pubs, I would suggest they lobby to have the law repealed so that smokers can once again be out of sight, out of mind.

    • Coming soon: imposition of arbitrary “noise levels” outside pubs to put a stop to this convivial socialising. The PH kill-joys won’t stop until everything pleasurable has been outlawed.

      • Possibly, but I would put my money on a ban on smoking anywhere that can be seen.  After all, we all know that the mere sight of a little white paper cylinder will drive people [and in particular, the cheeeldren] into a frenzy of nicotine addiction and imminent death.

  4. A strong correlation has been found between breast cancer and skirts but more research is needed!

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