
Number Ones and Number Twos — 17 Comments

  1. The really important credential (apart from squeaky clean etc.) is zillions of dollars.
    You don’t get elected in ‘Merca – you buy your way into the White House.

  2. The only cnadidate telling the troot seems to be yer man Mr. Paul which probably explains why he’s in a poor third place.

  3. Patrick, You’re half right about Ron Paul.  As far as domestic issues go he is the only one who has the right ideas but he’s crazy when it comes to foreign issues.  He is an isolationist.

  4. Mossy – True.  I forgot to mention that.  They nearly spend more on the elections than us Irish.

    Patrick – Mine is just a general observation.  I haven’t a clue who the hell is involved [nor do I really want to know].  The only reason I mentioned Mitt Romney is becasue he sounds like a highly contagious genital disease.

    Brianf – But the whole of Merka is crazy when it comes to foreign issues.  Anyway, most Merkans think that Foreign means Oregon.

    Popeye – But we do.  We have a few left over from the good old days of TB.

  5. Nothing wrong with Mr.Paul’s foreign policy of recalling every american GI from the 3000 odd bases around the world.
    You could then befriend Johny Foreigner and trade with him instead of fucking killing him.
    Simples tsk.

  6. Hate to say it, but I could not agree with Patrick Moore”  That is an astronomical admission?

  7. “Nothing wrong with Mr.Paul’s foreign policy of recalling every american GI from the 3000 odd bases around the world.
    You could then befriend Johny Foreigner and trade with him instead of fucking killing him.
    Simples tsk.”

    They then might address the 45 or so million American Citizens living in poverty in the third world US.

  8. When folks ask me what my hobby is and I tell them theoretical physics it kinda blows them away. At my age they expect me to say ‘gardening’ or ‘stamp collecting.’ The smart ones come back with something like “It’s as well because you clearly don’t have fucking a clue about what’s going on on Earth.”   ‘Champion’ says I.

  9. tt – Personally I like to work out various proofs of Fermat’s Last Theorem in my head.  It’s better than a sleeping tablet. There’s nothing wrong with a drop of theoretical physics either.  It’s a great conversation stopper down the pub.

  10. I have to disagree with you about Americans being the loudest in the world. Regarding sound, the Spanish students that invade Ireland every year are by far the loudest. I still have nightmares of sharing a bus with them and having my brain overloaded with the noise from 20 or more them shouting at each other.

  11. Pete – Fair point.  I’d forgotten about the Spanish Invasion.  However Americans do seem to spend an awful lot of time whooping and hollering?

  12. It takes the insight of an outsider to see the “truth”.  Too bad we can’t seem to realize that the best for the country is not always the “cleanest” or most God fearing.  Spot on Grandad.

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