
Bohemian Rhapsody — 9 Comments

  1. If you came back as a dolphin, Twenty would be forced to spear you to death. He has an unnatural bloodlust for dolphins.

  2. Hmmm… interesting. Harrison Ford’s a good choice! He has excellent humour and scruff-factor. Great answer on the Queen thing! Well dodged.

  3. Gee grandad thanks I could use a trust fund but I never knew you were my real Grandad????

  4. Bog off! Wrong Sean. [Unless of course your grandmother was a fine thing that I met behind the Zhivago Nightclub in ’72?]

  5. HMMM in 1972 my grannies were well into their 40’s and 50’s and not likely to meet a strange man behind anything as seedy as zhivago!

    Beside by 1972 I was already 4 years old.

    Damn another missed opportunity for free money! How am I supposed to make a living being a sponger if no one will lend me the time of day

  6. Hey Sean, try the ‘real’ Queen of England. She seems to have a dark and sordid past. I bet she’s game for a bit of blackmail…

  7. I like the dinner idea.

    There are many people from my past who might have good tales to tell.

  8. Ahh Miss Offspring thats not a gene pool I would ever CHOOSE to be associated with

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