Dame Enda Average
At last we are in the process of getting rid of the greatest arsehole of a leader.
Unfortunately it looks like we are getting another one.
Going by the opinion polls, the two biggest parties in the next Dail are going to be Fine Gael and Labour, with Fine Gael in the dominant position. The new Taoiseach is therefore going to be Dame Enda Average.
What the fuck is it with Dame Enda?
Here is a bloke who the general public donât particularly like and who is even distrusted by a lot of his own party, yet he persists in the notion of being Taoiseach.
Personally I donât like him. He may be a thousand times better than the old cunt who is leaving but that is a reflection on the old cunt and not on Dame Enda.
Sometime last year, Vincent Browne made the comment that Dame Enda should take a bottle of whiskey and a gun into a darkened room. Browne apologised for it afterwards and that normally would be the end of the matter. Not so for our Dame Enda. He is still simmering like a fucking primadonna over the episode and is now throwing a hissy fit and stamping his little foot about it. He is refusing categorically to appear on any television show that has any connection with Vincent Browns. What the fuck? That is the kind of carry-on I would expect from a child, and definitely not one I would expect from the future leader of our Gubmint.
Dame Enda should get out of the fucking driving seat. He is totally unfit for purpose, and should stand aside for someone else. If he gets into a strop over a joke [albeit a very bad one] on television, whet the hell is he going to be like when dealing with that shower of fuckwads in Brussels. He will probably burst into tears the first time anyone looks crosswise at him.
Herself likes him.
She says he has a nice smile.
Seems to me that as in Egypt Ireland is having its old and dysfunctional leader replaced by a new stooge. The only difference is the Egyptians are out on the streets and the Irish aren’t, yet!
I am still waiting for you to tell us who, if anyone, you do like. Before the election.
Bill – I honestly don’t know what to expect from the new lot. What we need is a new system and not just a new party. Time will tell.
TT – I haven’t decided. Basically they are all rehashing the same tired policies and tired politics. There are a couple of independents that are grabbing my interest. Doubtless my letterbox will soon enough be stuffed with junk.
Are you sure don’t want us to send you Sarah Palin? I mean sure, she’s probably no better than your current line up of politicians but she’s a heck of a lot better looking.
She is easy on the eye, I will grant you. Any chance you could give her a total lobotomy? We might take her then.
He knows his tenure will be a brief one before he is pushed/forced aside by baldy noonan who will then keep the seat warm for their real leader,step forward richard/dickie bruton. What a shower of fucking chancers and wankers,plus ca change.
Welcome Pat! Jayzus but that Noonan fella and his voice. He always sounds as if he is just about to read you your rights before arresting you. Tricky Dicky Bruton is much easier on the eyes and ears. Still a wanker though.