
A lost soul — 7 Comments

  1. I remember that hospital 25 years ago – there was a surface car park that cost 50 pence and when I used to visit parishioners there I always found somewhere to park!

    • There is still a very small surface car park, possibly yours. The main car park is underground with mobile concrete pillars that move to scrape my paintwork when I park. And it now costs €2.50 an hour.

  2. I find it helpful to take a quick pic of local features, say where a flagpole limes up with a corner of a building and another of a distinctive tree and a fire hydrant. I then use them to triangulate my location. And Happy Anniversary to you happy kids!

    • I thought of that but it looks the same whichever direction you look – just line upon line of cars with the [rare] sign pointing to the exit.

  3. My goodness you’re going through it, I hate hospitals, a necessary evil. I have a nasty habit of leaving them early once admitted for any illness. Doctors call me a ‘ runner.’

    • I too have an ingrained dislike of hospitals. I had managed to avoid them since my teens [and even then it was a motorbike accident that got me] but I seem to be making up for that now. Six months and counting of endless appointments interspersed with a stay or two. The post arrived this morning – another appointment!

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