This site is getting dusty and neglected.
I suppose that’s bound to happen from time to time. I know I have said similar in the past but this time it feels different.
I confess that the last week or more have been bad. Physically there is the pain which is severe at times, the painful jaw [separate from the main pain but it makes eating very difficult], the intense backache if I stand or walk for any length of time and lately a stomach upset which kills the appetite anyway. Emotionally there is just the constant barrage of appointments – two so far this week and another tomorrow. I received a letter this morning announcing another appointment which now brings my calendar into April.
I’m just pissed off. I want to break something. I want to skip over to one of those infinite alternative existences that I am supposed to inhabit.
One side effect of all this is that I have just about lost interest in the Interwebs. I log on and do the essentials with my clatter of sites but after that……..
</ end of moan >
There isn’t much happening anyway,
Apart from storm damage, inept gubmint and Trump.
Dear Trump.
The world is a lot livelier when he’s around.
Hope you get the pain level sorted soon. What’s the backache about?
This is a strange one. Ever since the operation in July the muscles in my neck and shoulders have been at high tension. Whenever my spine is vertical, such as when sitting upright, standing or walking, my head is pulled forward so I have to counteract that by painfully raising my head [if I want to see where I am going, for example]. This puts a mighty strain on the back neck muscles which is extremely painful after a short period. When I slouch in an armchair or lie in bed the pain rapidly goes. I have repeatedly asked for an explanation or remedy but none is forthcoming. I think they’re baffled too.
Hi grandad,it might be worth taking a look at DSMO to assist with this.
Are you having any physiotherapy?
Of all the services that I have first hand experience of, this is their worst. A bloke arrives, asks a few questions and then hands over an A4 photocopied piece of paper with some diagrams. These are the exercises. That’s it. Bloke is never to be seen again.
In fairness, the HSE comes in for massive criticism here, but apart from physio, they are excellent and very thorough.
Whatever you post is much appreciated. Thank you for doing it. And for shepherding your flock of bloggers.
Y’all have informed,educated and amused.
Mate, life’s full of ups and downs, when I was younger they were in the bed, in my middle years they were in my bank account, now their in my body!
I wouldn’t be so bold as to suggest my troubles are on par with yours, but I know how down a protracted bout of pain can make you.
Hopefully in the near future you’ll be pain free, then the life high will be great.