It really is no wonder that old folk get confused about the day or the date.
I include myself firmly in that coterie.
I suppose the problem lies to an extent with a lack of specific rhythm to the week. It would help for example if you attended Mass or Bingo or some other such regular occasion as then you could work out that you were at Monday’s Flower Club yesterday and therefore this must be Tuesday? Even a regular programme that you watch on certain days, such as a soap opera would help. Not that that should be any excuse to watch a soap opera.
I don’t have any such mileposts in my life. Every day is unique in its own way, but equally it’s identical. I used to have a routine of visiting the coffee shop on a Tuesday but lately that has become an almost daily joy, so that doesn’t help.
Where this comes to a head is trying to remember events in the past or future. I was trying to remember when Herself was last carted to hospital and was staggered to realise it was just earlier this week. Equally people ask when my next hospital visit is and I keep saying next Wednesday, but then the thought crossed my mind that I seem to have been saying that for a long time, and maybe I missed the appointment last Wednesday? I have to keep checking my fucking phone. In fairness though, I couldn’t have done that on my ancient Nokia?
This here site has come to play a fairly major part in all this chronological confusion. That was how I worked out when Herself made her last exit. I can look up various events and find exactly when I scribbled about them, that is assuming I can find the right key words to find the relevant post. You can’t do a key word search in a diary or journal?
So maybe this site does have its uses after all?
Throw in a holiday and itâs a real CF what day it is. Donât feel bad, Iâve asked my spouse twice today, âIt is Saturday rightâ? Long holiday weekend in the US that started Wednesday eve will do that to you. Your blog has plenty of uses, blog away.
I agree Elaine.
“Today is Saturday right?”
“No dear, this is Sunday.
“Damn, I go back to work tomorrow.”
And long weekends really throw me for a loop.
“So maybe this site does have its uses after all?”
Of course it does. I myself have used it (among other things like actually reading it) to remind myself of all sorts of things. I’d give you an example but I seem to have forgotten what it was that I was looking for. It is Sunday, yes?