
Out of control — 4 Comments

  1. You do, Grandad.
    And it occupies the mind, gives back control, and reintroduces a bit of order.
    You go ahead…

  2. I wish you luck – a friend of mine chose not to have her car repaired in late ’22, selling it for a pittance and has been without one since. Her list of requirements seems to be growing and she finds fault in everything available. You need to be flexible to pick up a bargain!
    With all the superfluous electronic gubbins in modern cars, you may find yourself liking the one you have already – after all, it must know its way around your place by now?

    • I am extremely easy in my requirements. I know I want a Focus as we had one before and are both very comfortable with that. My only simple requirements are easy access to the electric windows [the Dacia is crap on that score] and easily read instrument panel [again, the Dacia is crap in that department]. Modern cars have a whole raft of stuff that I don’t consider essential but are nice to play with. I do like a cruise control and air conditioning but they seem to be standard now.

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