Out of control
Last month life went into a tailspin.
First of all Herself was carted off to hospital, critically lll with pneumonia and near kidney failure.
Shortly after I got involved in a spiraling series of appointments where I went from a minor case of nose infection to a case of probable cancer and all that that entails.
Penny didn’t help matters by becoming progressively weaker with the very real prospect of euthanasia hanging over her.
All of this combined into a whirlwind of hospital visits, appointments for tests, scans and whatever else you’re having. Life was out of control. Or at least it was out of my control. Herself was first shifted around from ward to ward before finally being shifted to another hospital altogether. Likewise I was at the mercy of one hospital until I was referred to another. Neither of us had any control over anything. As things stand, I have no idea when Herself is coming home. In my own case I have an appointment for a scan on Tuesday [I was originally told Thursday at 8am and this was confirmed by text. Then I get a letter telling me it’s at 7:45 on Tuesday] . God only knows what happens after that. I dread to think.
Of course while all this was going on, various contractors kept turning up and doing vicious things to the house. I had no idea when to expect another van load full of blokes intent on fulfilling their plans and not mine. Lots of noise and dirt.
But then I got the idea of trading in the car.
Now what has my choice of car got to do with anything? It’s not urgent in any way. It hadn’t even crossed my mind until a week or so ago, yet here I am trawling the Interwebs looking at cars and frantically doing the maths to see what I can afford [quite a lot actually and I discovered my current banger is worth more than I thought]. So why this frantic dive into something totally unnecessary? Then this morning it struck me – buying a car is something I control. I decide what moves to make and when. I’m not at the mercy of some anonymous face dictating what I do next. If nothing else, it’s nice to be in control of something. It will probably come to nothing but that will be my decision.
Anyway, I deserve a little treat?
You do, Grandad.
And it occupies the mind, gives back control, and reintroduces a bit of order.
You go aheadâ¦
Way to go Grandad. Go for what makes you happy!
I wish you luck – a friend of mine chose not to have her car repaired in late ’22, selling it for a pittance and has been without one since. Her list of requirements seems to be growing and she finds fault in everything available. You need to be flexible to pick up a bargain!
With all the superfluous electronic gubbins in modern cars, you may find yourself liking the one you have already – after all, it must know its way around your place by now?
I am extremely easy in my requirements. I know I want a Focus as we had one before and are both very comfortable with that. My only simple requirements are easy access to the electric windows [the Dacia is crap on that score] and easily read instrument panel [again, the Dacia is crap in that department]. Modern cars have a whole raft of stuff that I don’t consider essential but are nice to play with. I do like a cruise control and air conditioning but they seem to be standard now.