
One for the birds — 8 Comments

  1. I had a colleague who had served in the Grenadier Guards who would salute a magpie every time he saw one!

    • “One for sorrow” and all that. He would have a very hard time if he lived here as he’s be in permanent salute. As a kid I used to greet them. Now I just tell them to fuck off.

  2. I’ve never seen one of those where I live. Maybe more populated in the western US? ‍♀️ If it’s a bully bird though it can stay the hell away from my yard. In summer I feed Hummingbirds and pretty songbirds. It’s always a battle with the annoying bully birds

    • I checked and apparently my flavour of magpie never managed to cross The Pond. You have a different version which hopefully will have a better attitude to life.

  3. They are smart though Grandad. We heard a racket at the bottom of our garden years ago, loads of small birds chirping in what sounded like excitement. When we went to look, there were loads of sparrows, blue tits etc (at least 30, possibly more), all as high in the canopy as possible. Below them, much lower, and in complete silence was a magpie, carefully monitoring a cat that was a few steps behind it. Every time the cat moved, the magpie enticed it further and further up the tree. This went on for half an hour or so until the cat was on tiny branches that were much too small for it, where one eventually broke, and the cat fell (with no apparent harm). The audience of small birds were there the whole time calling their support. It was amazing to watch. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a video camera at the time.

    • Never underestimate avian intelligence! The magpies are up to something on the roof right over my head. I see one fly up there and this is followed by some serious banging or something, like he’s hammering nails into the roof. I know blackbirds frequently smash snails’ shells on the step outside the door here but the magpie is making too much noise for a mere shell. By the time I get to see what he’s at, he is gone.

      I remember in past years when we had a cat, the magpies used to torment the poor thing by swooping down over it’s head until it ran for cover. Bastards!

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