
The Great Romance — 12 Comments

  1. It is all great marketing con. All to boost the retail lull between Xmas and Easter. That and Mothers’, Fathers’, Aunties’ Day, Partners’ Day, Mother’s-Good-Friend-That-I-Call-Uncles’ Day, Halloween and the rest, all imported from the US of A.
    When I were a lad the sender of the Valentine was meant to be secret, unknown to the recipient. And those of a feminine gender ( before all this modern confusion) could send them too.
    Father Jack has a few apposite words.

    • You old cynic! It’s a wonder they haven’t copped onto the equinoxes and solstices. Give them time…..

  2. Lent for Christians, just like Ramadan for the ‘religion of peace’ and similar rites for others, is simply a device for each hierarchy of god-bothers to validate regularly the degree of control they have over aspects of your daily life. Submit and they know they’ve got you under control.
    I’ve given up Lent for Lent.

  3. “…all imported from the US of A.”

    Hold on there Doonhamer. I’m relatively certain that we got it from China (or maybe Mexico). No doubt you folks got it the same way.

  4. My dad was a staunch churchgoer, and gave up smoking his pipe for Lent and giving the money to the local church.

    One day, the vicar told him that wasn’t the way to approach Lent, there are deper meanings etc., so he said ‘Sod it’, and never gave up again!

    I gave up smoking because one Monday, I had the worst hangover I’d had in years, and spent the whole day, ‘Nil by mouth’! I told my wife what I’d done , that evening and she gave up as well!

    But it all bloody well hurt I can tell you…

    I think Halloween is the stupidest Yank sort of ‘celebration’ at the moment, but there again, they all have some sort of flag outside their doors, all year long for some odd reason!

    • You’ll get into trouble with the Mercans with that last crack. That flag thing was always something that puzzled me. I have never seen an Irish flag outside a house here. Not one, in many years of travel.

      • You see loads of flags when driving in the Republic! Having said that, they are almost universally GAA flags; the sports supporters marking their territory.

        • Ah yes! We have a Wicklow supporter down the road who nails a flag to the telegraph pole at regular intervals. I assume it’s a Wicklow flag as I have little interest in sports

  5. Nah, we are actually super easy to get along with. As to the lack of flags in Ireland, we can send you some.

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