It’s party time
I came across yet another new political party today.
There seems to be a sudden outbreak of them, so maybe it’s something to do with the measles?
Anyhows, “Independent Ireland” is the latest. I can’t find out anything about them as a search on the Interwebs just throws up articles on the Independent newspaper. I have no idea what their policies are.
Two others I came across recently were “The Irish Freedom Party” and “Ireland First“. What strikes me about these two is that their policies are quite similar. Both talk about clamping down on immigration, scrapping the climate change nonsense and reforming the health system. If I were tempted to vote [which I’m not] then I suppose Ireland First would fit quite nicely except that they want to drag up the old abortion issue again. Talking about dropping the EU and the climate fiasco could possibly outweigh that however.
The gubmint is getting worried about the immigration lark though. The majority of Irish want tighter rules and policies around the problem so now our Lords and Masters are finally admitting there’s a problem and claim to be doing something about it. I’m not holding my breath.
I did a search for a list of Irish political parties and was surprised to see how many there are. Some I had never heard of. Most I would rather forget.
When it comes to politicians and elections, I shall remain disillusioned and disinterested.
Or maybe I should set up a new party?
The UK government has been promising to do something about immigration for decades. ‘Something’ has turned out to be ‘nothing at all’. Believe your government only if you’re feeling lucky.
Lucky or not, I tend not to believe them anyway. The only time I pay any real attention is on Budget Day, and even then I only listen out for the important bits.
Just be glad that you don’t have some of the corrupt, holier than thou, plonkers that we have on this side of the border! 🙁
Judean peoples front; bloody splitters!
I don’t think there’s much to choose between them, except none of our mob want to be part of the UK.
It’s only what’s happening in other EU states once they finally wake up and smell the Belgian waffle – Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands (founder members, remember) all have burgeoning ‘nationalist’ parties winning votes rapidly, threatening the EU hierarchy. In the upcoming EU elections, the Brussels mob are crapping themselves that such parties may even achieve a majority – even if they don’t, they’ll start making lots of noise and asking difficult questions of their dictator-class, the EU Commission. Bring it on.
Ireland doesn’t need to be subservient to any group, it’s big enough, mature enough and with enough global connections through its diaspora to succeed on its own terms. Give the new parties a vote, what’s to lose?
They’re all self=servings bastards so a vote of any of them is wasted.
F**k all of them, the iiddiots and asrrssoles
Fanatical minorities are indeed a worry. I wonder if there was a border poll and whether the thought of adding 500k fanatical pro-socialised healthcare anti-EU pro-UK royalists to the voting roster would affect considerations in the Republic.
Hah, I’ll see all of your want to be world leaders and raise you one Joe Biden!
I try to avoid parties. They’re not half so much fun as some would have you believe.